Argitaratu: 15.02.2024
I have set my start date for Friday, March 15th. There are several reasons for that:
2. El España Express sells everything
3. If you are in Spain, you still don't have many cyclists
Debido al año bisiesto, falta un día más, pero aún faltan solo 29 días para la salida.
Mientras tanto he realized small size sheets in format A6. I folded it like this and it was sent to Northland and to other parts of the world.
I have set my start date for Friday, March 15th. There are several reasons for that:
Because of the leap year it is a day longer, but still only 29 days until departure.
In the meantime I have made small leaflets in A6 format. I was missing something like this on my Northland tour and therefore I lost some nice encounters.