
Cahuita National Park

Argitaratu: 15.03.2020

With the Tuk Tuk we are in the beautiful Cahuita National Park in half an hour. We hike through the park for four hours with its diverse vegetation, always keeping our eyes on the treetops so as not to miss the sloth, howler or spider monkeys, or a beautiful bird. We are particularly impressed by the incredibly loud roar of the howler monkeys and the lovable sloths with their friendly faces. The friendly raccoon can also be photographed up close while eating. Of course, you should not get too close to any of these wild animals, as sloths can defend themselves fiercely with sharp claws, raccoons or coaties (a type of coati) can also leave deep scratch wounds, as cute as they may seem. We are also very fascinated by the tiny creatures along the pathway, such as the Argiope argentata, a spider with an impressive web.


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