
11.07.2015 Windy Harbour and 3rd and 4th week of farm work

Argitaratu: 03.05.2019

3rd and 4th week, D'Entrecasteaux National Park

The third and fourth week in Northcliffe is already over.. time really flies. It's incredible that we have been away from home since 16.04. and have been living in Australia for almost 2.5 months. We can hardly believe what has happened in this short time.

We have built a little life on the other side of the world, without a home base, we have always been looking for accommodation =), opened a bank account, bought and registered a car, converted the car, and now we have even found a job. In Germany, something like this would not be possible. But back to the last two weeks..

To explore Northcliffe and the surrounding area, we drove to D'Entrecasteaux National Park one day. (No idea who comes up with these names :-D) On one of the pictures, you can see the route we took that day. Started in Windy Harbour, passed Cathedral Rock to Point D'Entrecasteaux, and continued to Tookulup, Sunset and Gardner Lookout (all viewpoints). From there, we went to Salmon Beach, which is located further up on the map. Here, we plan to go fishing again, as it is supposed to be especially good here! All in all, it was a nice day! Although it was mostly cloudy, we were still able to take beautiful pictures.

In February of this year, the first major bushfire broke out in Northcliffe, and you could see that on the way and in the national park. All the trees are blackened, and it still smells like smoke.

Another day, we wanted to drive to the Loop Falls here in Northcliffe, as there is supposed to be a big waterfall =). Arriving there, we had to realize that the hiking trails were closed due to the bushfire, and in addition, we could only see on-site on an information board that we had to walk a 10 km long path to the waterfalls. Since it was already 3pm, we decided to visit the waterfalls another time.

(Since it's winter here, it gets dark at 5:30pm =( )After every trip, we look forward to our little house =). However, last week there was a slightly smaller problem here? At first, we had one or two ants in the house, and we thought, well, that's completely normal. But after a few days, there were more and more ants, and we realized that they must be living in the wall somehow :-/. Equipped with ant poison, we tried to get rid of the little pests. The poison somehow smells like honey and attracted the ants so much that in the end, as you can see in a picture, we had even more on our wall. The funny thing about this is that we expected spiders and maybe even snakes, but not so many ants in our house :-D. With the help of another, really stinky insect killer, this problem was also solved!.


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