
Draisine ride in the Swedish nature (09/02/2018)

Argitaratu: 29.01.2019

After waking up, we continued reading our books. After reading for about 1-2 hours, we decided to get up and do yoga. So we changed clothes and did our yoga exercises in the beautiful morning sun. Then we had breakfast.

In the afternoon, we went on a draisine ride. The ride went through the beautiful Swedish nature. We passed by lakes and typical Swedish forests. The view was really beautiful.

At the beginning, we planned to ride the 52 km to Årjäng. We really thought we would make it. However, after about 30 km, we were so tired that we turned back. We found a nice spot for our picnic by a lake. Then we rode the 30 km back to Bengtfors. In total, we rode 60 km in about 4 hours (including a break). In the evening, we really knew what we had done. Our legs just felt heavy. But it was still really nice. I can definitely recommend this draisine route. It really takes you through the wonderful nature.

Back at the campsite, we cooked some food and went to sleep exhausted.


Bidaien txostenak Suedia