
The adventure begins

Argitaratu: 17.06.2018

Just a quick update for you :)

After successfully completing our ride through the desert without any problems, it was actually nice to see civilization and people again. Luckily, we found a great place, the property of a retired police officer who keeps a few animals and also rents out campsites. My absolute highlight was the two little lambs that were only two weeks old and were being bottle-fed. In the morning, I even got to feed them the bottle. I instantly fell in love with the two friendly and cuddly creatures :) We also got a great tip on where to eat good fish and treated ourselves to a proper seafood platter. I have to say, I don't think I've ever had such delicious fish before!!!

Since the weather is still not improving, we have to shower in our tent every night and the temperatures are expected to drop even further, we have decided to change our route a bit.

We will start our journey through the Outback today and spent the whole day yesterday getting our car ready. We went on another big shopping trip, as we don't know what to expect in the next two weeks. There will definitely be some kind of food available, the question is just at what price^^ So, we will probably have little to no reception or Wi-Fi for the next two weeks, so don't be surprised if you can't reach us. I'm going to hop in the shower real quick while Jonas enjoys the last few minutes in bed, as he got up at half past one last night to watch football. Stupid time difference =)

See you soon and keep your fingers crossed that our car doesn't let us down!


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