Wednesday, 26.02.20, Day 101

Avaldatud: 01.03.2020

Lake Pukaki Road Reserve

Today, we have another long drive to Christchurch and we discuss during this drive how we imagine the largest city in the South Island. When we arrive, the first impression is that the city looks very run-down. We notice that many parts of the city are under construction, which is due to Christchurch being frequently affected by earthquakes. Therefore, the first stop in Christchurch is one of the many memorials commemorating the devastating earthquake of February 22, 2011. The memorial consists of 185 different white-painted chairs.

This monument symbolizes the empty seats left by the victims in their families. We particularly notice a wheelchair and a baby crib. After that, we drive to a beautiful beach with a huge cave in the Sumner district of Christchurch, where we buy fish and chips.


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