
Tag 131 - well-groomed

Avaldatud: 11.09.2019


- Alex

We wake up. It's raining. Until 12:00 we spend most of the time thinking about what to do today. 'Taking a shower would be nice again,' we think and so we drive back to Taupo, the city we already passed through yesterday, and visit the local swimming pool - this time unfortunately not for free. We pay the €6 for both of us and go to the changing rooms, taking our time and feeling afterwards like after a wellness weekend. We continue to the supermarket, buy some small things and then, since we're already here, to a second-hand store.

We want to use the day to work on the blog again, so we aim for the city library, but we are smart enough to research on the internet beforehand whether it is even open today (Sunday) - it isn't!

So Burger King will have to do. We park our bus right in front of the branch and mooch off their WiFi a bit - we download series, movies and audiobooks and plan our next trip a bit.

Because we 'started' the day so late, it's already evening again and for lack of alternatives, we drive back to the place where we slept last night.

- Alex


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