
10th day - Terme Segesta live

Avaldatud: 01.11.2017

So my dear ones, just back and very satisfied :-)

That was quite an adventure.. but it's worth it!

At 4:30 pm sharp, I joined the five cars that were already waiting (the parking lot was still closed). Admission started on time. Unfortunately, massages were not possible today, because of the holiday, and Fango can only be obtained in the morning by appointment.

Never mind, then I'll just enjoy the thermal water. I got my own changing room with the number 11, and the cashier raised both thumbs for it :-) but I also understood that. So I went into the bath. You don't have to imagine it like in our swimming pool. First, I had to pass a group of lifeguards who asked me strictly for my cabin number. So I went there and changed. After I packed everything again and made my way to the pool, a lifeguard immediately approached me and assured me in English that I could leave all my things in the locked, but not lockable cabin. Hmm, okay, I'll keep an eye on that... But everyone else did it that way too.. and apparently found it quite normal. So I relaxed.

The pool is manageable for our standards, with 9 x 25m, but it was very inviting and looked simply magnificent in front of the rising rock wall.

Through a small window, I could directly look down on the steaming river that also feeds the thermal bath:

If you are willing to climb, you can also go down to the river and get into the water. But that was a bit too much of an adventure for me today :-)

As it slowly got dark, you could also see the sulfur fumes:

And then the highlight came: into the water to warm up at 37-39 degrees. Softening slowly, going outside, and relaxing in a deck chair. And repeating that as long as you wanted (and could). By the way, the smell was very subtle and not at all disturbing.

There was also a large jacuzzi with a roof, but it was too noisy for me. I found the pool with a mountain atmosphere the most beautiful!

Together with the rain atmosphere in the sky, it was a truly beautiful sight that I will not forget so quickly. It actually rained, but it didn't bother me in the warm water. And at the pool, you could also sit under a roof in a deck chair.

What I can only say again and again: the Sicilians are simply pleasant. Friendly, nice, very civilized, calm, and family-friendly. There were so many children with parents there, and not once did anyone shout loudly or behave unpleasantly. Just great!

Here is the proof photo that I was there :-)

Back in the holiday apartment, I was hungry like a wolf! Fortunately, there was still a portion from yesterday ready. It tasted great with a delicious glass of wine!

My conclusion: A close-up experience with great nature that is definitely worth it! So give it a try!!

Best regards from Sicily and see you tomorrow!
