Alpencross Touren
Alpencross Touren

Tag 3 Von Spiez/ Aesch heiß nach Kandersteg

Avaldatud: 19.07.2022

After the first two demanding days and the very warm night, everyone is rather quiet at breakfast today. Fortunately, it seems that the first two days have taken a toll on everyone, not just me. The health app of a fellow cyclist is already warning him to rest for 3 days.

But he still joins us and the section starts nicely in the shade, only to end after 300m at a road closure. So the first pushing section (in Swiss German: Velo wird gestossen) is already awaiting us on the detour.

In the further course, we encounter both roads and gravel paths, which we often ride in the sun, which does not correspond to today's recommendations from the BAG for behavior in the heat.

But of course, you have to be careful not to overheat, which I try to avoid by drinking continuously and supplying energy and Bireweggli. I estimate that I drank 5 liters alone on the tour.

In the second part, there are some very beautiful trail sections, but you still have to be careful because there is a partly very steep slope to be crossed on this section. Therefore, pushing is also necessary there from time to time.

At some points, there are railings installed, the usefulness of which appears rather limited in case of emergency. Only one, albeit very steep, longer pushing section (crumbs on concrete) and a stubborn cow suddenly interrupt the mostly beautiful trails.

So we arrive in Kandersteg shortly after 15:00. No one wanted to go on the offered bonus tour.

Conclusion: That's enough for today.

Tomorrow there will be a change of guide... the "new" one is a very ambitious mountaineer and generally gives an impatient impression.

To be continued...


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