On the road again
On the road again

26th November 2018

Avaldatud: 26.11.2018

26th November 20186 days at Buffelsdrift

We still didn't have any electricity this morning. We made do with untoasted toast and the others with coffee heated with the gas plates.

In the morning, we cleaned the elephant enclosure as usual and then went to refill the water in the big enclosure again with the 1000-liter tank.

We also searched for the cheetahs who always seem to be in the same spot.

We grabbed our lunch at the lodge because Whitney was sick and we still didn't have any power. So we drove with our lunch to our tents. It was not as good as Whitney's food but still okay.

We then started to make a little sign with the name 'spider' because we wanted to rename Leah's tent from Rhino to spider since she always has spiders. But the marine came with some helpers and we very quickly had to hide everything before they came in.

The helpers did the dishes and started to prepare dinner since Whitney wasn't here.

We went back to the camp and made some elephant food. We also cleaned their waterhole, and since the brooms were still broken, it was quite a tiring job. Next, we fed the lions and then we went to drive around the big enclosure and collect some cameras they had placed some time ago.

One camera was knocked over, and later in the first few pictures, we saw that it was the rhino. The next 1000 pictures were of clouds moving.

We also went up this beautiful hill to get a nice view of the area around. Back at camp, we looked at some pictures and then went back to our tents. We now had power again and food, not for 3 but 30 people as it seemed.

It's getting colder again, so the showers are getting shorter; tomorrow we may even have rain.

After dinner, we talked for a while. I showed my famous YouTube video of me and my friends going to McDonald's with the electro tricycle, and we told a lot of other stories as well.

Before I went to bed, Leah called yet again for an emergency. Another big rain spider had made its way into her bathroom. It's really amazing how they keep coming.

Vastus (3)

He lieverd, volgens mij bewaard Leah die spinnen in een potje zodat jij haar steeds kunt redden ;-) Vandaag over 3 weken ben je alweer thuis, dus geniet vooral van al deze mooie, grappige, bijzondere ervaringen. Heeeeel veel liefs XXX

Hoi Nick, Dat eten ziet er lekker uit,als je honger hebt smaakt alles. Die spinnen zijn die gevaarlijk ?? ik denk het niet, maar ik zou ze ook niet graag in mijn huis hebben. Geniet er van en een dikke kus Oma.

Ik heb misschien een goed idee , zou het niet gemakkelijker werken, zijn als de stelen van jullie materiaal langer zouden zijn beter voor je rug.