
Something for science

Avaldatud: 10.10.2022

On Saturday 08.10.2022 Ara, Lucie and I went to Cork, Stephanie traveled with us on the train as she was meeting friends in the city, the train was quite crowded, so Ara and Lucie sat on a four-seater and Stephanie and I sat on the opposite one, two boys (Greg 17 and David 18) were sitting across from us, they were talking about what they wanted to do, suddenly Stephanie starts to get involved in the conversation and it turns out that the two of them are going to the open day at UCC College and asked if it would be okay if they took us with them, they agreed and we thought it was a good idea, so we went along. We walked for half an hour and made a stop at the English-Market, it was really nice but quite expensive, so we went somewhere else and each got a doner kebab, it was quite fun, when we arrived I got a really delicious smoothie, then we walked around the campus, it's really beautiful, the campus consists of several buildings and is located in a kind of park. We went to the main building to listen to a presentation on the topic of science, it was quite exciting, afterwards we walked through the building and there were several stands about various subjects they have, of course I liked astrophysics the most but I was also very interested in microbiology and the stand for biology and history, they had real fossils, a megalodon tooth, a shark's teeth, an elephant tooth (which was quite large and heavy), an imprint of an archaeopteryx fossil and much more. We also spoke to teachers and learned a bit about the college, a teacher asked if he would see us next year and we were like yes, we just have to convince our parents to pay £5500 per year for college xD he was like easy. But yeah, around 5pm it was over and we made our way back to the city, we went to a very good bubble tea shop. It was an extremely nice day and definitely much better than shopping all day, we met really nice people and will definitely do it again.

I have also been walking Penny, Stephanie's friend's dog who lives here in the town, for some time now, since I miss my two dogs a lot, it's quite nice. I have also joined the school choir and we were allowed to suggest songs, let's see how it goes tomorrow xd.

And of course I miss all of you and not just Isis and Kenny.

Best regards, Pia 

10.10.2022       8.59pm (London Time)


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