
Life lines

Avaldatud: 15.02.2020

What characterizes the respective life lines of each person? What is important and what significance is attached to them?

Do we all experience the same colors and moods at certain times with the corresponding circumstances?

Do we seem to be in the same bright light when we love, and feel equally abandoned and lonely when relationships break? Does the heartbeat of our pulse have the same frequency as that of the radio station when it plays your secret wishlist?

Does the inwardly coming smile come from the same spot in our stomach that floods happiness? Do the moments resemble each other when we move towards each other, keeping an eye on the narrow line that leads or kidnaps us? Which togetherness hurts more than a distance that is bearable in doses?

At what point is the moment missed when everything falls apart and why can't we turn it back, and do we only wish for it because we only feel and see that it is too late? Does change and development also happen differently?

How many shades of blue does longing have when love struggles for forgiveness?

Is the look of every person the same when they find out that someone beloved is coming back early? Where do the proportions meet when silence breaks the words?

Is the temperature of the handshake between every person the same when fragilities prove themselves before consequences become apparent? And in how many cases does connection rise above false pride, which checks heart and kidneys for life?

Is broken trust always hopeless as long as scars from old pasts are born in competition with forgiveness and still put ahead of reconciliation, whose key to realization is unlocked by a hundred deep glances?

And when life meets in the sun, above the poverty line, and old times encounter each other in new spheres with unmasked faces under rain, knowledge filters through dreams and memories find their way into the present,

the scale of the future stays balanced, without fear and with healthy optimism.

Asleep, the children of the tides wake up, swimming in the flow of the cosmos and beyond the horizon, aware of its vastness. As people consume themselves in it, as if there was no tomorrow, it arises from its clear line, which represents its focus and hypnotizes everyone to come to itself.

And with every breath my lungs take, they think of the many people whose castles in the air they have killed and sent to ruin. And with every word that falls, creating more distances and trying to seduce me, I am determined to stand as long as possible and again and again, with and without you, more with myself and maybe someday with you, but new and never stagnant, in front of me. What I believe and what each section of my life makes of it is written in me, just as we have committed ourselves to each other when the forms of personality were still in the process of finding themselves. Has the point at which we met and just parted, emerged willlessly from where we have kaleidoscopically viewed it for too long, while our competences to engage with each other had long been recognized and run over by us for the hundredth time...?

Perhaps life always needs such moments, such actions and words that act faster than the feeling itself, in the inevitable knowledge of their tragedy and the never before caution, but always before realization. How many doors have already closed so that new ones can open again. I never want to experience participation in indifference. There is enough silence and retreat that moves and grows without giving the impression of doing so.

And what is the secret of life? Would you change your behavior, your priorities if you only had one day left to live?

Would you truly treat every person the same and make no distinctions?

Are you doing it now? Would the boundaries between confessions to each other and their sometimes inherent accusations dissolve, simply because it rains too long in spring and the winter gives you desert sun from a dimension of feeling that gives you one last day of life? What would you do if your mind doesn't reach for the stars in the storm, the thoughts of the soul, and your doorbell is too quiet, not because it's broken, but too hurt by too little company, which comes from another vegetation of togetherness, and still hurts you today, as their pain and loneliness get lost in you, not called and never rediscovered and awakened again... until today, your last day in your life, which is written in your face.

In half sleep this morning, you felt it knock, just as your dream united with your longing, and as hummingbirds loved each other with your peaceful breath in a wing beat. In the light tunnel behind your closed eyelids, you see phosphor lines for the last time, portraying your inner worlds in magic, before the first ray of sunshine steals the future from your dream. One last time, surrender with devotion, into the floods of security that make you feel weightless and alive.

Dive one more time to the bottom of losing oneself, baptize mouth and bones anew, give them names in trust that you have never felt before in this intensity.

On this last day, feel your heartbeat, every second and every minute, every hour that remains knowingly, and add deep breaths that expand its sequences so that they remain in eternal memory.

And then wake up one last time, savor the transition from sleep to the moment you open your eyes; once again, traverse the bridge of light and shadow with mindfulness, invite the moment of becoming aware with deep but gentle breaths; to stretch out to the world in peace.

Think of the person who is most connected to you and your life right now, one last time. Smell the morning again and gratefully receive the freshness of the water, mirror yourself in the face of the day, without ever finding out if this truth corresponds to what it shows. Today, take every step with the knowledge of its final traces that it leaves behind and choose your words carefully. Ignore the fast pace and walk on the ever-expanding path of humanity without regard for losses, reviving skeletal voices frozen in ice, who have said goodbye to their emotions and withdrawn from their feelings in human form years ago. Visit places and people one more time, today and always; especially favorite places that make you feel good and shower you with warmth.

Enjoy chance encounters and glances one last time, take in the streets and lights of the city, order a drink in your favorite café, hum the opening music of your favorite TV show and let its credits burn into your memory for the umpteenth time. Start and finish your running route with full awareness and a clear mind, where it sends the point and the feeling of infinity through your veins. Inhale all the familiar and passing impressions like honey and taste their sweetness. Take one last look around your home, multiply images and colors of union and turnings in your feelings, change your perspective and let everything make a new impression on you. Adorn old letters and new cards with favorite words, where loneliness captures the darkness, only for you and the last moment, then accompanied by candlelight and bathed in the glow of the last warmth in the room, let yourself be enchanted and serenaded by synchronicities of interwoven songs. Now pick up the phone and linger an eternity where the voice breaks with longing, then carries, where it dissolves and is a gift from heaven. Find each other again and again in the sea of love confessions, beneath the first layer of skin, where only feeling and fulfillment reside, until the flight rushes through the regions of your body with thieving and liberated kisses, from which you realize today that you have them too, and the embrace of your life dips your words in golden silence because in this linguistic space, the level of touch no longer continues. Your devotion arises one last time, and second by second, minute by minute, in this last hour, gratitude and passion love your heart face to face.
