
September 2, Day 9 - Chico High School

Avaldatud: 03.09.2022

On Friday, it's a bit difficult for us to get up. We want to leave for Chico at 7 o'clock - at around half past 7 it really means Can we actually 'Geh mer' now, and on the way, we have a small breakfast.

Otherwise, it's pretty quiet on the bus this morning. Music is only playing in the background, everyone is still visibly tired. Nevertheless, we are looking forward to the day, especially to the football game in the evening.

When we arrive at the high school, the marching band is just performing - like every Friday. We quickly set up and join them, just playing along. Afterwards, we go together to the rehearsal room and play two pieces of the marching band and Lion King and 76 Trombones from our repertoire. Of course, we still have enough time to exchange ideas with the American students.

In the second hour, we go to the theater, where we perform and the students in the audience can ask us questions. About our trip, our youth orchestra or differences between America and Germany. It feels good to connect with peers, and it's nice to see how our visit is a highlight for the Americans, because apparently fewer tourists come to this area than to Los Angeles or San Francisco, for example.

We all have a lot of fun and unfortunately, the hour passes by faster than expected.

Afterwards, there is a spontaneous trombone ensemble performance by us with the support of the trombonists from the high school. Then we drive back to the campsite for lunch.

Due to the scorching heat, the question quickly arises how far it is to the lake and if we shouldn't all go there together and refresh ourselves in the cool water. After everyone is enthusiastic about the idea, we meet shortly afterwards in swimwear at the bus, where Franz then informs us that Pete and Shelly have invited us to their pool again. So instead of going to the lake, we go back to Franz's host parents' pool. The cooling is really good and as hospitable as the two are, they also have some snacks for us.

Shortly after 4 p.m., we drive back to the campsite, quickly change clothes, and then head back to Chico for the football game. Since we agreed this morning that we can participate in the halftime show of the marching band, T-shirts from the high school are distributed during the ride and Baur explains the basic rules of American football to us.

When we arrive at the high school, we grab our instruments and go to the field with the marching band. For us, it is completely unusual that a simple high school game is so well organized and celebrated. The game is even broadcast on local television and in addition to the football players, cheerleaders, the marching band, and of course, all the other high school students who are celebrating in the stands, belong to the event.

We are overwhelmed by so many impressions: Game - Cheerleaders - Playing music...

Actually, it's exactly like in the movies, although you might think that everything is a bit exaggerated and overdone - actually it's not so.

Nevertheless, we have a lot of fun playing with the marching band and attending a real American high school football game. Even if we are pretty tired and exhausted afterwards. However, quite a lot has already happened today.

Shortly before 11 p.m., we make our way back to the campsite and end the evening comfortably.


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