
201.-205. Day 04.04 - 08.04. Outback / Narrabri

Avaldatud: 27.06.2019

Thursday 04.04.

Road trip!!

Wuhuuu, now it's starting. In the morning we quickly went shopping to get supplies for the 1400km journey.

small road trip
small road trip

First through Adelaide, past huge grain silos, and into the Outback. The further we got from the coast, the redder and less inhabited it became. One fact fascinated and shocked us. We had a competition to see how many kangaroos we would see on the side of the road. Sad record: we counted 100 dead animals at various stages of decomposition on a 38km stretch. Of the many emus we were warned about, we only saw 3 running next to us, and we also saw very few live kangaroos. But what stood out was the abundance of flies as soon as you're outside. In the evening we set up our tent, had a little snack, and slept under the most beautiful and brightly shining starry sky I have ever seen. Due to the absence of any disturbing source of light far and wide, you have a clear view of the stars and the universe.

Friday 05.04.

The journey continued to Broken Hill, the biggest town in Outback NSW. The advertising brochure says that as an old silver and mining town, life is thriving there. Barbara and I didn't feel comfortable even after a walk through the town, so we also visited the small town of Silverton.

sandstorm and me
sandstorm and me

Famous for the filming of the Mad Max film series, there is a lot to see there and the local MadMax Museum is a must-do.

Mad Max Museum
Mad Max Museum

After visiting the mine or the viewpoint of the mine, we filled up with petrol and drove another 200km to the next rest area. Something that stood out on this journey was a kangaroo warning sign with 240km!

kangaroos on the road
kangaroos on the road

Also noticeable were goats by the roadside.

goats o
goats o' mass

It is impressive how many goats roam around in the Outback and how they can survive in drought and dryness. We were also semi-attacked by herds of goats at the rest area, and had goat eyes around us in the evening and at night.

Saturday 06.04.

We quickly drove the next 400km and also arrived in Coonbrabran. This is a small campsite near Narrabri, where Babse and I did some sports. After so many kilometers in the car, we wanted to do some yoga and strength exercises to work out and were also looking forward to a refreshing shower.

Sunday 07.04.

On Sunday we made plans to meet up with Ashley, Peter, and their 5 children. When we arrived in Narrabri, we were warmly welcomed and had a very relaxing afternoon.

happy sunday
happy sunday

With 2 bottles of good Bundaberg rum, karaoke, good vibes, and our neighbor and friend Luke, the party lasted until almost 12 o'clock.

Peter playing the guitar
Peter playing the guitar
Luke, Peter & Me
Luke, Peter & Me

At that time, we also fell asleep in the garden in our tent, because even though we were offered the couch, after some time, you develop a certain sense of home wherever the tent is set up.

Monday 08.04

In the morning, we got out of bed, and I could still feel the remaining alcohol. To do something productive, Barbara and I went hiking on the local Mt. Kaputar and walked around on 2 mountain peaks. We had a fabulous view.

hiking day Mt. Kaputar NP
hiking day Mt. Kaputar NP
In the afternoon, I also posted my ad for selling the car on gumtree.com.au and then we said goodbye to everyone. It was really nice to see the family again. We drove the next 100km and slept at a simple rest area next to the road.
