Elternzeit in Kanada
Elternzeit in Kanada

Day 28: Mt. Rainier National Park III: 07/19/2018

Avaldatud: 20.07.2018

Julian's fever got worse overnight. So we went to see a doctor right after waking up. The nearest doctor, who was 38 km away, couldn't treat children. So we drove for another hour to get to the nearest hospital where there was a pediatrician on site. There, the doctor and I decided together that it would be best for Julian to go home soon. It's just not a good idea to travel through the wilderness of Canada with a sick child, where the nearest hospital is very far away. Especially since we've already driven an hour and a half to the hospital today....


Once we finally got back from the hospital around noon, we had a big brunch and made all the necessary arrangements to fly back to Germany as soon as possible.

It wasn't as difficult as expected. We can fly tomorrow. Changing the flight with Condor was relatively easy and we can drop off the rental car in Seattle.

To have a nice end to our vacation, we went back up to the national park in the afternoon. Today, we just took a scenic drive by car, American-style, where we saw Mount Rainier covered in a veil of fog and drove through the beautiful nature.

Mount Rainier
Mount Rainier

Then we went for a short baby-friendly walk and drove back to our cabin with a scenic drive through the beautiful nature.

We won't shed any tears for the cabin, which is more shabby than chic.

Even though we can watch elks from here, this kind of rustic coziness - at an overpriced fantasy vacation price - is not what we had in mind....

Elks 1
Elks 1

By the way, Nuria and Sophia took the change in our travel plans calmly. Sophia immediately made new plans for what she will do when she gets home: a relaxing grandma vacation in Kassel instead of ranger programs in the wilderness.

The Oath
The Oath

Vastus (4)

Oh das tut mir echt leid für euch! Gute Besserung an den Kleinen Julian! Ich hoffe ihr habt eine gute und sichere Rückreise!

Hallo ihr Lieben, oje, das tut mir sehr leid ! Alles Gute für Julian und euch. Ich wünsche euch eine gute Heimreise. Liebe Grüße

Ach, das ist aber jammerschade, dass ihr nun eure Zelte dort abbrechen müsst! Aber das Wichtigste ist ja, dass der Lütte schnell wieder gesund wird; dafür drücken wir ganz fest die Daumen. Kommt gut nach Hause - und dann, liebe Iris, ............... !! Manfred erledigt schon mal vorher alle wichtigen Gespräche ;-) Alles Liebe für euch alle!! R.

Vielen lieben Dank für all eure lieben Kommentare. Wir hatten vier wunderbare Wochen in Nordost und Nordwest. Und wir gehen mit einem weinenden, aber auch einem lachenden Auge. Weinend, weil echt schade; lachend, weil wir wissen, dass wir irgendwann wieder kommen werden. Mit nicht ganz so kleinen Menschen, denen die kanadische Wildnis nicht zuträglich ist. Liebe Grüße vom Flughafen on Seattle, euer Marvin

Reisiaruanded USA