
23. Etappe "Bukhara, Uzbekistan"

Avaldatud: 29.06.2024

The journey to Bukhara started at 9.15 a.m. First we filled up the tank and then drove out of the city. Unfortunately I couldn't fill up the reserve canister because the gas station attendant refused. For whatever reason. Because there were few gas stations with gas according to Google Maps, it seemed advisable to fill up the reserve canister as well. Fortunately, my concerns proved to be unfounded. The first 60 km or so were very bumpy and more than 60 km/h was not possible. Then the bumpy road gave way to a well-developed two-lane road to Bukhara. So the journey was overall quite pleasant again, if a little long. The landscape, which was still quite green at the beginning, gradually turned into a real desert. To the left and right of the road there were only stones and a few bushes. This only changed again shortly before Bukhara. Occasionally you could see a green ribbon with a river not too far away. My room is in a family homestay, i.e. in the family's house and with the family. The eldest son celebrated his 22nd birthday today and we, two women from Hong Kong and I, were invited to join in the celebrations. I haven't seen much of the city itself yet, but that will change tomorrow. My accommodation is either in the old town or right next door.

Vastus (2)

Lieber Bruno, ich lese immer deine Reiseberichte, es ist super interessant und einfach der Hammer, was du gerade alles erlebst und siehst. Pass weiter gut auf dich auf ☀️ Liebe Grüße Sybille

Hallo Sybille, freut mich zu hören, dass dir meine Reiseberichte gefallen. Eigentlich schreibe ich sie ja. damit nicht zuviel vergessen wird. Es sind schon sehr viele Eindrücke, die da zusammen kommen. Ich tue mein bestes, damit alles glatt läuft.

Reisiaruanded Usbekistan