
Kids, how time flies

Avaldatud: 14.11.2019

Now we have been in Alicante for 3 weeks, at the most beautiful beach in Spain and the sun is shining as if it were summer. It can get quite cold in the evenings, but then you just put on a sweater and continue.

Since yesterday we have been in the front row at the beach, which means free sunrise, sunset and falling asleep to the sound of the waves. It's a great luck for us because the few places in this prime location are usually given to long-term guests. The demand was very high. But the guy who assigns the spots has taken a liking to me. Holger says I flirted with him and that's why we are allowed to stand here. I think it's more because of my motherly side. Whatever the case, we are in pole position.

And so much is happening here, time flies.

Meanwhile, Holger is so relaxed that he sometimes sleeps until 10 o'clock in the morning and really embraces his 'nice side'. We often go swimming in the morning or take a walk on the beach with Waltraut. If we manage to wake up on time (not sleep until 10 o'clock), we participate in the beach gymnastics classes and then have breakfast outside. It sounds really cheesy, I know, but it is.

Cycling is also one of our new passions. 20 km a day is not uncommon. This way we get to know the area better. The other day, in the mountains, we found a wine village.

There we were allowed to try all the wines in the winery, it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, we were in a great mood and the wine tasted good. Holger fell in love with a light Moscatel and bought 5 liters and continued tasting. For me, it's like liquid jam, so sweet, yuck! I have, even after numerous tastings, remained faithful to my beloved dry red wine. We also bought this and that and then made our way back home with what felt like 2 promilles in our heads and well-filled baskets on the luggage rack. Friends

I'm telling you, that was borderline and not a joyride. Without Google Maps, I entered "look for RV", we would have definitely spent the night in the open.

Then there is a special feature here, a spring that is visited almost exclusively by Spaniards. Water with a constant temperature of 25 ° springs from the ground, it is very mineral-rich and forms a lake that flows into the Mediterranean Sea through a canal. It's almost mystical there, because it is said that the water cures many diseases and also gives beauty. I immediately went in, much to Holger's protest, and only came out again after 3 hours. So, I saw the success immediately. Holger says I'm stupid.

In the evening, there are many ways to pass the time on the square. Play boules for an hour or sing a few songs with Hannes by candlelight and guitar music. If nothing comes to mind, go to Pepe's beach bar and watch the moon rise with a glass of wine.

It's nice here in the south and we will stay here for a while.

One more quote to end with: 'Happiness is the sum of all the moments you have enjoyed in life'. And we are enjoying it to the fullest.

By the way: Our 88-year-old 'friend' Klaus has also arrived here and continues his usual fitness program. The other day I watched him doing push-ups. He said it's not difficult at all, even for women, and looked at my upper arms. I immediately flexed them. It didn't help. Flabby arm remains flabby arm. I think I'll go to the spring again ;-)

Vastus (5)

Ich habe heute Weihnachtssterne gekauft...

Züchtet der Jack jetzt eigentlich Flusen?

Wenn ich das lese kann ich es kaum glauben. Habe heute angefangen mit Weihnachtsdeko.Mir geht es momentanen nicht so besonders,aber das wird schon wieder muss am Wetter liegen immer diesig und Regen es ist hier bei uns Novemberwetter.was will man da verlangen. Macht es gut und genießt weiter die Sonne

Wie schön 😍. So ein Quelle hätte ich auch gerne. Hier ist morgens Eiskratzen an den Autoscheiben angesagt. Bin gespannt auf den nächsten Bericht.

Hallo, super intressant was Ihr alles so erlebt und sehr schön wie du es uns mitteilst! Ich warte schon immer gespannt auf den nächsten Bericht samt Fotos 😊 Wünsche Euch noch jede Menge unvergessene Zeit! GlG auch an den Langschläfer 😉