Avaldatud: 14.07.2023
It would still take a while before I could embark on the big journey.
First there were the extreme restrictions, then I lacked the courage to implement it, and then my travel partner dropped out.
In early 2023, I decided to undertake the journey alone and prepared myself.
Read travel blogs, collect world travel inspirations, where do I want to go, how do I finance everything, really alone?, clarify insurance, travel passport, maps, what will happen to home, who takes care of what, get the bus (it now also has a name: Nicki, the green frog) checked, what do I need where on the road, and so on and so forth. There was a lot to do. In between, I also went on short trips that were already booked.
There were many obstacles, some things worked well, others didn't, but somehow I managed to finally get on the bus on 08.07.2023 and head to my first destination: NORWAY.