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Stellenbosch / PicNic Warwick Wine Estate

Today we were a bit out and about in Stellenbosch, visited the knick-knack shop 'Oom Samiw se Winkel...

Stellenbosch (Dornier Wine Estate and Tokara)

Today we took it easy, after breakfast at Twice Central we did some small shopping in the center of ...

From Knysna to Stellenbosch

After a good night's sleep, with frog croaking to fall asleep, we enjoyed the 'Swiss' breakfast agai...

Bonveniga Vespermanĝo

Panjo reflugis hejmen hieraŭ. Hodiaŭ estis bonveniga vespermanĝo de la universitato por ĉiuj interna...

Bye Bye Johanesburgo & Hello Capetown/Stellenbosch (11.7.19)

Hodiaŭ ni prenis la aviadilon de Johanesburgo al Kaburbo. De tie ni havis bonegan vidon super Johane...