
Mistletoe Bay and Queen Charlotte Sound

Eldonita: 26.12.2016

In the morning at 8 o'clock we took the ferry in Wellington - finally to the South Island. The 3-hour ferry ride was calm, but the weather was slightly rainy.

After more than an hour through a long fjord, we arrived in Picton. What a small town! A mini grocery store and a few shops, that's it. And here several ferries arrive from Wellington or depart to there every day. Unbelievable.

We quickly bought supplies for several days, because we were heading into nature again. The destination was Mistletoe Bay, a beautiful bay at the end of a fjord with a very nice campsite. It was not even 100 km drive, finally down to the campsite on a steep gravel road, and we were already there. However, it was funny to look at the navigation system: Straight line distance from Picton is 10 km...but you have to take a huge detour. In the north of the South Island there are infinitely many long and branching fjords. The road is quite cumbersome, and boats are definitely the more practical means of transportation here. So there were many guests with kayaks on the campsite. An attraction on the site was the alpaca enclosure, which was right next to our tent.

We enjoyed the nature and the landscape here. One day we went on a hike on a section of the Queen Charlotte Track, which passes right by the campsite. On the second day, we rode our motorcycles along winding roads along the fjords, partly on gravel, it was a lot of fun!


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