
Tag 117 - clear

Eldonita: 01.09.2019


- Alex

We open the sliding door of the van and are greeted by a cool, salty breeze. Dozens of seagulls and pigeons of all sizes and colors have gathered on the paved rest area, all standing so calmly. On my way to the toilet, I walk through the cluster of birds without much reaction from them, and I feel like I'm at the end of Hitchcock's movie of the same name.

After breakfast in the car, we look at our smart map and try to figure out what we can do around here. The app suggests a visit to the "Shakespeare Reserve" and we obey. We weave our big van through a small, picturesque suburb and shortly after through green, well-grazed hills. The further we penetrate the peninsula where the reserve is located, the lower the speed limit becomes. After about five minutes, during which we move only at a walking pace, we suddenly find ourselves in front of a gate (plus fence) that gives the impression that a high-security area is located behind it. We stop right in front of it and the large metal gate slides aside electronically - impressive. A few minutes later we arrive at the parking lot. We put on sweaters, hats, and scarves and set off full of energy. Individual signs encourage hikers to clean their hiking boots with provided brushes and spray to prevent the introduction of unwanted pests - here, nature conservation and sustainability are really emphasized.

(naturally) We choose the longest of the trails, start walking and are impressed by the many beautiful views after every turn.

An observation tower marks the center of our route, where we take a short rest. Then we continue along paths and meadows (a large part of the route goes across fields. Theoretically, you can go through any gate), passing grazing sheep and cows and going down to a bay, which we also walk once.

After a while, we return to our car and decide to visit a library and work on the blog again. We have already solved the problem with the wrong power adapter by buying a suitable model. Unfortunately, when we sit in the library, the adapter doesn't work (it fits, but doesn't charge) and my laptop shuts down after a few minutes. Luckily, there is a warehouse nearby where we bought the adapter. Even though we don't have the packaging or the receipt, the exchange goes smoothly and we have a replacement in our hands after ten minutes....,

which unfortunately doesn't work either when we try it out. By now, we strongly feel that it's not the adapter that is the problem, but the being that holds it. Back in the warehouse, we exchange the adapter again, this time for a different model, and test its functionality on site - with success. Unfortunately, it's already so late that the library is closed - so be it on another day.

We decide again spontaneously where our next destination will be. We drive off and it gets so dark that we arrive at our parking space in absolute darkness. We prepare dinner and are amazed by the starry sky, where you can easily see the Milky Way. We are dozens of kilometers away from a major source of light, so there is no light pollution - a very impressive sight.

- Alex


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