Salam Alekum!
Salam Alekum!

A fresh breeze of sea air

Eldonita: 09.02.2023

09.02.23 Taroudannt - Sidi Ifni I like to do the dishes late at night so there is no dirty dishes in the morning. That's how it should have been yesterday, but I had to realize that no water came out of my faucets. I had filled up 30 liters the day before. The display confirmed my suspicion: no water in the tank. I was relieved, because I had feared a leak in one of the lines. But where had all the water gone?

I started searching. I checked the tank to see if the drain was closed - it was. Maybe the seal under the vinegar/detergent torture had suffered due to the diesel affair? I had to go outside to see if I was losing water somewhere. It was almost 10 p.m. when I started searching with my flashlight. I soon found a wet spot. Right under the drain of the water heater. To prevent freezing, the device that provides hot water is equipped with a fuse that triggers as soon as the temperature inside the motorhome drops below 4 degrees. It slowly dawned on me! The night before, when I was without power and heating, the temperature could have been so low. I checked the valve and sure enough: it was open. I closed it.

When I filled up with water in the morning before our departure, everything stayed dry under the drain, and the faucets were running. Yes, that's how the day could continue! I had already been about to ask Ricci, Berndt or Gerd for advice, but at the last moment I decided differently. I wanted to try it myself first. I think, three or four weeks ago, I wouldn't have thought twice and would have asked for help. That wouldn't have been a problem, because for everyone on this tour, it is a matter of course to help where help is needed. But it is also a nice feeling to feel no longer dependent on others. That felt good.

Some may gradually get the impression that I'm always dealing with some bigger and smaller problems. But that's not the case. Berndt and Brigitte, for example, are certainly among the most experienced campers in our group. But once, their motorhome caught fire. Right in front of their door. Probably the refrigerator was the cause of the fire. A defective line, an improper repair - the exact cause could never be determined. In comparison, all my faux pas combined are just nonsense. And again and again, a few men gather in a circle and discuss how to solve this or that little problem. Who knows, maybe soon - in five, six, seven years - I will also be standing in such a circle and giving my advice. Yes, I know ... But one can dream, right!

Another dream is our new parking space in Sidi Ifni. We are right by the Atlantic Ocean. From my spot on the parking lot, I can hear and see the waves of the Atlantic rolling onto the beach. It's pretty busy, and the equipment here is not the newest anymore. But the background noise and the fresh breeze of sea air make up for everything.

Oh, I must not forget: Many thanks to the loyal readers of this blog, who with their click numbers have ensured that we are now in first place at There is no travel blog whose posts are read more often than ours. I say "ours" because Birgit in particular contributes significantly to the attractiveness of this blog with her beautiful and emotional photos. To defend our colleagues among the bloggers, it should not go unmentioned that we have a big advantage: We are 18 people on this trip, and our loved ones at home regularly follow the blog. If Birgit or I were alone on this tour, the ranking would certainly look different. But: Together with our crew, we are practically unbeatable! ;-)

Respondu (7)

Ja wir, die sogenannte Crew sind auch sehr stolz auf unseren „Willi“ der über unsere RMF Marokko Reise 2023 sehr eindrucksvoll und spannend berichtet… freuen wir uns alle auf die kommenden Wochen, ich bin mir sicher, wir werden noch viele tolle Berichte zu lesen bekommen…

Ich freue mich auch schon auf die nächsten Berichte und tollen Fotos. Vielen Dank, dass Ihr mich an Eurer Reise teilhaben lasst. Eine gute Weiterreise! PS: Inzwischen hat sich "Euer Willi" zum "MacGyver aus Angermünde" entwickelt ;-)

Sehr schöne, spannende Berichte macht richtig Spaß die Reise so zu verfolgen. 🥰 Vielen Dank, für die tollen Fotos 👍...Wünsche euch weiterhin eine schöne Zeit!

Vielen Dank für die schönen Komplimente. Wobei, liebe Kerstin, höre ich da bei Dir nicht auch ein klein wenig Ironie heraus ... ;-)

Bianka Fröschlein
Eine spannende und beeindruckende Reise 😊

Vielen Dank, Frau Fröschlein! ;-)

Niemals, lieber Willi, alles ernst gemeint ;-)

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