
The Big Five

Eldonita: 08.09.2018

08/09/2018 Elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo and rhinoceros! We actually saw them all. Yeeeeeeaaaah! Because that's not so obvious, especially the leopards like to be scarce.
But in the end, we actually get to see a female leopard and are thrilled.

Even the lions are not easy to spot. Unfortunately, we didn't see a male.

You can take the rhino taxi as a bird. Very cool 😂😂😂.

There are antelopes here like sand on the beach. But take a look at this view. Isn't it pure coquetry? Totally strong.

They definitely have the prettiest asses in the whole Kruger.

Ever since bold monkeys Jassi and I had their food stolen from us in India, I have a healthy respect for our fellow human beings.

But I'm totally in love with the giraffes, the cuddling zebras and the elephants. You wish you had the super zoom that didn't fit in the budget or the luggage.

Here's the first photographers' rule according to Benjamin Jaworskyj: The best camera is the one you have with you. 😜 He's right.

The zebras are just amazing. They not only cuddle in pairs...

...but also in threes 😂 I have to buy a zebra t-shirt, despite the lack of money and space.

But nature itself is just amazing. We are taking the Sunset Drive in Pretoriuskop with Muzi, our ranger with a happy round face and mischief in his eyes, he makes his jokes. It takes me a solid 10 minutes to figure out who he reminds me of. Then I got it! It's the chubby and likeable student from my colleague Astrid's parallel class, who entertained us with his blue full-body dragon costume during carnival. Muzi looks exactly the same, just older and much darker. He even speaks the same way, only in English.
The light is wonderful and the different tree shapes invite you to take photos.

In total, we spent 3 nights here in Kruger. Each night at a different main camp. That was a really good decision. And exactly the right amount. On the first day, we got excited and enthusiastic about every animal and took what felt like thousands of pictures. On the second day, I was able to enjoy the animals more relaxed. On the last day, we didn't spot as many. Somehow there seem to be fewer around here right now. Too bad, but now we have seen enough animals and can move on. Tomorrow in Mbombela, our paths will separate. While Denja takes the bus to Joburg to catch her flight to Cape Town, I will stay at the Scout Centre to drive the highly recommended Panorama Route the next day.

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Das ist der absolute Wahnsinn. Ich freue mich für dich, du erlebst gerade wunderbar Grandioses!

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