
Arrived and immediately parked incorrectly...

Eldonita: 13.03.2024

Yay! Our car was waiting for us in front of the workshop! It's obviously been repaired very well - one turn of the key and it's running! Shopping for all the food that we gave away or threw away 3 weeks ago is done pretty quickly. Then a final visit to the Swiss pastry shop (which served as a comforter 3 weeks ago) and off we go towards Äkäslompolo - a winter sports resort with all possibilities (from alpine skiing to cross-country skiing to snowshoeing). The main streets are now pretty much free of snow - only on the edge are the mountains of snow, which are no longer pure white, piling up.

It's between -5 and 0°. That's pleasant!

On our camping app we find a parking space at a hostel. Once there, the “housewife” directs us along a narrow snow path to our place. Unfortunately, the path not only turns out to be a little too narrow, but also a little too icy. The wheels are spinning and we can't move forward or backwards... There's a souvenir from home that Georg, one of my two favorite sons, gave us that was very useful: a sand mat! We put it behind the front wheel, shovel a little more snow and we're out of our predicament! Thank you, George!

A long walk takes us into the “village”, which actually only consists of huts for rent and bars and shops. The big hit here is riding so-called fat bikes. These are e-bikes with very thick tires that grip well on snow. We see some of them glowing on the snow-covered bike paths.

In the evening there is salmon with vegetables. The salmon here is really really good and affordable too.

A little tired from the journey, we'll happily go to bed early today.

Or not! Wilfried is just showing me the forecast for the Northern Lights - it seems to be going pretty well tonight... so stay awake, dress warmly and wait...


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