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Lun@ix ontour

Istria - Pearl of the Adriatic

Eldonita: 31.07.2018

After so much traveling, it was finally time for a 'real' vacation. The only thing left was the drive from the Plitvice Lakes down to the Kvarner Bay and then across the Istrian Peninsula. The highlight of this drive is crossing the Vratnik Pass, from which you can see the entire Kvarner Bay.

It would have been a true delight, if it weren't for the vehicle from a northern European country in front of us (unfortunately, these vehicles are always in front of us). The average speed of 20km/h that it imposed would have been ideal for enjoying the spectacular scenery, but the abrupt or rather panicked braking before every bend (not curve!) did not allow us to take our eyes off its rear for even a second. Perhaps stop briefly and let the self-created convoy of at least 50 vehicles pass? No chance. It's a mystery how a country with such drivers managed to become third in the World Cup...

But that too passed, and we enjoyed the drive on the enchanting coastal road to Rijeka and finally reached our place of stay for this week - Rovinj. It's touristy, it's crowded, and it's as beautiful as always. The apartment we booked at the end of June turned out to be a special highlight. Located in one of the - rather few - quiet side streets on the peninsula, which forms part of the historic core and right by the sea in one of those typical old town houses. From the bedroom, there's a view over the bay, and a floor below, there's a terrace from which you can jump directly into the sea.

Yesterday, we visited Rijetos in Novigrad, about 40 km north of Rovinj. A pretty and very peaceful town with a fishing port, which offers a relaxed contrast to the rather crowded Rovinj. So now we are enjoying the magnificent beaches in nature parks around the area, the crystal-clear waters of the Adriatic Sea, the many quaint and idyllic restaurants - with sea views or hidden in old town alleyways - trendy cool bars, the exquisite Istrian cuisine with the best wines, as well as the friendly and laid-back locals and the cats around the house. We're having a great time!


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