
Tag 17 - Fromista nach Carrion de los Condes

Eldonita: 30.04.2024

I got up early this morning. I set off at 7:15am, went around the corner to a bar for breakfast and then set off on the Camino. It's completely foggy and the humidity is very, very high. And then it's cold... But that's fine. I want to try to cover 29km today and distance myself a bit from this mass of people. A hospitalero explained to me that because it rained on Saturday, many people took a day off and now the pilgrims from two days are basically all in one place. I'm in a good mood at the start. I had decided to walk completely alone today because I've hardly had any time for myself in the last few days. The route initially only goes along the country road and you can hardly see anything of the surroundings through the fog. A little later it clears up and we continue along fields. Everything is great until the first town, where I drink another coffee. My pace is pretty good and my legs are heavy from the last few days, but everything is going well. After this place, there are two options for continuing the route: along the country road, 10km with no shade, or along the river, with shade options, 12km long, until the paths meet again. I decide on the river option. After a short while, I get the bill for the last few days. My right leg starts to hurt again, and not just a little bit. I have to stop several times and rest for a short while. The route is a bit painful now in the sunshine, but very beautiful. At the end of the river passage, in the middle of nowhere, there is a church. There I get my stamp for today's route and take a longer break. I put cream on my leg again and put it up to take some of the pressure off. After a short while, I come to another place where I take another break and eat and drink something. Just for comparison, Ryan set off half an hour after me and is already in the town that is now my goal for the day because I have already reduced the distance from 29km to 20km. I can't manage any more today. It will take me another 2 hours to get there. I take another painkiller tablet and set off on the last 5km, which is only along the country road. The path is incredibly long and I'm going at a snail's pace. When the tablets took effect, at least the pain was somewhat less. When I arrived, I rested briefly and then did my laundry and took a walk around the town in the meantime. Otherwise, all I had planned was resting and now I'm going to bed early and hopefully carry on tomorrow without any pain. I've set myself another 29km goal for tomorrow, but I'll take it slow. I've already reserved a place in the accommodation. It's an accommodation run by Italian hospitaleros and they make their own homemade pasta every day. It's supposed to be the best food on the Camino and I don't want to miss out on it.
Cost of the day:
Accommodation 10€Breakfast 6€Food on the way 6€ Dinner 7€ (home cooked)Laundry 8€
Respondu (3)

Tita Maru
Mucho sufrimiento veo que has tenido hoy por la pierna que tienes lesionada. Cuídate mucho y, ya sabes, poco a poco se consiguen grandes éxitos. Peregrino valiente, buen camino .

Tita Maru
Las fotos son una maravilla

Ich drücke die Daumen, dass der Fuß hält und du deine Strecke laufen kannst

Vojaĝraportoj Hispanio