Griechenland 2023
Griechenland 2023

45. Relaxing on the beach in front of the Franchthi Cave

Eldonita: 23.04.2023

Day 45: Since we had such a beautiful evening on the beach in front of the Franchthi Cave yesterday, we decided to spend today here as well. It was a great feeling to go outside right after waking up and look out at the sea with the warm sun on our backs.

Unfortunately, clouds rolled in around noon and a cold wind picked up. It was a good opportunity to visit the nearby town of Kilada. Although it seems so close, just across the bay, it took us over 20 minutes to get there due to the 'good roads' and route. I have to mention: there are good highways here, but they are also very expensive. And sometimes there are good country roads too. But many of the roads we have driven on so far have been really bad. There are often big potholes, so you always have to drive carefully (= slowly).

When we arrive in Kilada, it seems very sleepy. The harbor seems to make up half of the town. In fact, when driving to the parking lot, we see many more boats than people. Later we find out that everyone is sitting in the few open restaurants having lunch. Late lunch, between 2 and 4 pm, seems to be common here.

Sitting in the sun at the pier, the clouds have cleared again, we call the kids. In between, we have a coffee. I would have preferred a cappuccino, but plant-based milk (soy, almond, rice, or oat milk) is only found in the absolute tourist hotspots like Delphi or Athens here. Elsewhere, people look at you with incomprehension. It's a bit better with non-alcoholic beer, at least it seems to be understood. But you often don't get it.

In the evening, we drive back to the beach, take a swim, grill vegetables, and enjoy the wonderful evening atmosphere. We are all alone here again, the day visitors have all gone.


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