
Last days... 😟

Eldonita: 07.07.2016

We will be back later (shortly after eleven o'clock Brazilian time) probably for the last time from Brazil. Next time we will already be on German soil and hopefully announce the successful end of this wonderful vacation. But until then, we want to share with you the last days in Fortaleza, even though there is not much to tell. ☺ Yesterday we went to the beach quite early because the sun finally appeared and of course, we were confronted with a slight sunburn in the hotel room in the evening. But hey, red turns brown, right? 😜 In the evening, we took a walk and decided once again to go to McDonald's, and this time we want to share with you the best dessert and we urge McDonald's to introduce this amazing ice cream in Germany too! By the way, the BigMac tastes very similar, maybe a little more mustardy in the sauce. But we unanimously came to the conclusion that it was better than the BigTasty. Well, now you know that too 😃🍔

After our fast food visit, we noticed a little market right on the promenade of Fortaleza's beach, which we explored a bit and finally managed to try the typical Brazilian fruit Açai from the Amazon. Together with sweet milk and crispy muesli, it was a very pleasant combination. It might look a bit like vomit and the consistency might have been similar, but it's the inner values that count 😁. On the beach, there are always police horses galloping, which of course must not be missing in the blurred photo 😋.

When you look at the picture above, you can see one more special thing: The Train of Joy. It's just so cool. Here mainly Disney characters dance to well-known music for children and the train drives along the promenade and also past our hotel, which is why we were always excited when we sat on the balcony and this great train passed by 🙂🚂. Another highlight of Fortaleza is all the people who gather on the street to dance. Anyone can join in and everyone is welcome. We would like to have more of that in Germany 👍. So, our Tuesday was already over, and we hoped that Wednesday would bring a lot of sunshine again so that we could intensify our sunburn 😄. But no luck! We woke up early in the morning, but the sunrise would not have been visible under the big cloud cover 😏☁. But we finally managed to take a photo of the breakfast, which was unanimously voted the best of the whole vacation:

We have to honestly admit that we didn't do much today. It rained for half of the day 🌧. Marie (as you might have guessed) slept through this period and the rest of the time we packed our suitcases and tidied up a bit. We are only allowed to take 20 kilos to Germany, while in the country it has always been 23 kg. A lot has accumulated and we are already sorting it out 🙈. While Bine had already packed everything nicely, Marie was still far from being organized. But we are used to that.

In the afternoon, we watched the first semi-final of the European Championship and were really hoping for Wales, but then we'll start against Portugal on Sunday. By the way, we won't be able to watch the game tomorrow because we'll be on the plane, but keep your fingers crossed for us 😚.

But eventually, we got hungry and since we hadn't really moved all day, we went back to the promenade. Since it's our last real evening, we decided to go to the Churrascaria again. On our way there, we noticed a huge Zumba group. If we had had sports shoes on, we would have joined in immediately 😝.

When we arrived at the Churrascaria, we were greeted so warmly. The service was extraordinarily nice, and there was so much delicious food. Not just meat, but also salad, pasta, and various side dishes. We secretly took a few photos so you can get an idea. By the way, the whole feast costs around 15 euros without drinks. As much as you want 😍.

We ended the evening with the obligatory drinks. Bine is already asleep by now (Marie also had a 3-hour nap 😄) and now it's just: Finish the drinks, enjoy the view a bit, and then off to bed, the last night in Fortaleza. And despite the lousy weather, we would like to thank this beautiful city for the great hours. THANK YOU!

We will be back in Germany with a review. Until then, stay strong, and for those who are interested in a few more details: Tomorrow we will fly from Fortaleza to Rio de Janeiro at 12:53 p.m., and on 08.07.2016 our flight will leave at 12:55 p.m. Brazilian time and we will land at 05:55 a.m. in Frankfurt German time. 🛩 We wish you a fantastic semifinal and send our loved ones lots of ❤. See you soon! 😙

