
Following the footsteps of Henrik Ibsen's youth

Eldonita: 22.07.2020

In the afternoon, I had booked a guided tour at the only Ibsen museum that is currently open. It mainly focuses on his childhood, before the man who would become one of the most famous playwrights in the world went to Grimstad at the age of 15.

Model of Skien during Ibsen
Model of Skien during Ibsen's lifetime

There I also learned that he was not particularly tall (1.58 - 1.60 m) and wore high heels to command more respect. I was able to visit the family's summer house, where they also lived after a financial crisis, which is located a bit outside Skien, namely in Venstøp.

Original interior
Original interior

As later revealed in correspondence, Ibsen hated this place and should never have seen it again after he left for pharmacy training.

At first, I had a private tour, but later two Norwegians joined our small group and had no problem with the tour being in English.

Afterwards, I headed to the campsite, where I set up my camp among long-term campers and went for a walk by the sea. It was warm, 23°C, and I actually wanted to go swimming, but when I stood knee-deep in the water, I found it too cold.


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