2020 granny stockholm
2020 granny stockholm

14th June usual household chores

Eldonita: 14.06.2019

By the way, the photo above is Karin. Florentin painted it. He is an artist besides being a doctor. He actually has his own way of painting. He usually paints middle-aged men, but not in a beautiful way. With beer bellies and bald heads and so on. I will make a collage of the pictures.

Actually, I wanted to go for a hike today, but I dawdled in the morning. Besides, the weather wasn't as nice as predicted. It was warm, but the sun didn't come out properly. I went to the city and made pancakes for Leif and his friend for lunch.

In the afternoon, I lay down in the deck chair and read a book. Antonia didn't come until around 5:30 p.m. and didn't want to eat anything.

Karin and Flo were invited tonight. Leif stayed overnight at his friend's house and Antonia went to her room early.

I took a short walk to the water again.

Respondu (2)

Das Wochenende naht und ich werde wandern. Hochgrat evtl. Wie wird das Wochenende für dich, wenn alle etwas anderes Vorhaben... Oder macht ihr was gemeinsam? Danke wieder für den interessanten Bericht über deinen Tag. Du hast viel, viel Zeit. Frohes Weekend. Umarmung Heidi

Das Bild ist ja sehr schön - die Frau wirklich auch! Wenn ich alles so lese ist die Sache recht entspannt. Wünsche Dir dass alles so weitergeht. Da bist Du wohl in einer netten Familie gelandet! Allen ein schönes Wochenende. Genieße Norwegen. Meine Familie bleibt 10 Tage in Grainau unter der Zugspitze. Da ist die Granny auch entspannt!