Day 3: Copenhagen - Kings and Mermaids

Δημοσίευσε: 03.09.2017

The morning started pleasantly today.

Our room is located right next to a supermarket, so we had rolls with fish or salami for breakfast.

After this strengthening, we set out to explore the city in bright sunshine.

Our first stop, Rosenborg Castle, we reached on foot and by metro. Here we were initially greeted by a gigantic queue, which did not diminish the anticipation. In the castle itself, all kinds of exhibits from a time starting from the early 17th century were shown, a digital guide led us through the richly decorated rooms and the life of the royal family long before our time.

Unfortunately, the question could not be conclusively answered why the hell there are elephants everywhere, but we were offered the breathtaking sight of a glass room (porcelain rooms were already totally out at that time) and it became clear why lions were present at the king's coronation. It also became apparent how much the Danish royal family has always loved glitter (no, not metallic shine or sparkling stones, but glitter).

After a thorough inspection of all three floors, we went downstairs to the basement of the castle, where the most magnificent exhibits, wine from 1615 (surely still good) and of course the crown jewels were shown. A breathtaking sight.

After a short break on the slightly damp meadow of the castle garden, we set off towards 'Free Town' Christiania.

Here we were greeted by colorful, slightly quirky houses, nice people, and crafts. The ubiquitous smell of grass accompanied us through the hippie commune - by the way, you are also not allowed to take photos here...

A few freshly prepared beef tacos later, we continued our exploration towards the harbor. Here we boarded a 'Harbour Bus', a kind of regularly running water taxi, to get an overview of the city from the water. We saw, among other things, the opera house and the royal Danish ship, from whose cannon a salute was later fired. Since it was already quite late, we were able to enjoy the view of the city in the beginning sunset.

Near the statue of the Little Mermaid, we finally left the ship and stumbled upon the castle complex with the impressive Gefion Fountain and the beautiful Anglican church in front of it. The aforementioned statue was also worth a visit, fortunately the number of tourists was limited due to the late hour.

After another short ride with the Harbour Bus, on our way to the metro we walked along 'Nyhavn' (new harbor), which was now half in the dark. The large, old townhouses and the tasteful lighting created a very pleasant atmosphere.

Once back at the accommodation, we enjoyed the pasta salad we brought along. With tired feet but many new impressions, it's time to go to bed. Tomorrow, we have another half day in Copenhagen and the journey to Malmö ahead of us.

In this sense - goodnight!

Απάντηση (2)

Eure Bilder sind wundervoll geworden <3 Da wird man so richtig neidisch. Nun geht es also nach Malmö. Wird bestimmt auch toll werden. Ich freu mich auf euren Bericht. :)

Das mit den Elefanten hängt wohl mit dem Elefantenorden zusammen. Das exotische Tier galt schon früher nicht nur in heißen Regionen, sondern auch in Europa als Sinnbild für Weisheit. Gleichzeitig soll ein dänischer Krieger im Kampf gegen die Sarazenen einmal einen Elefanten erlegt haben. Der Orden erinnert neben seiner Symbolik möglicherweise auch an diese Sage.

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