Animal encounters

Δημοσίευσε: 19.12.2023

Tuesday, December 19th: The days here flow into one another, we have acclimatized and go swimming twice a day, adapting to the tides - so at the moment coffee is the first ritual in the morning again. I finally installed my tolino (e-reader) and downloaded the first book (I'll just say "Outlander" - some women now know about it )

Yesterday morning there was great excitement: We were sitting on our veranda, suddenly there was a commotion in our room - when I rushed in, I just saw a monkey escaping from the back window with a bag in its hand... The chips! We had two bags in a bag in the corner, and he unerringly took the larger one! Chasing over the trees and roofs followed, then he settled on the neighboring roof and happily ate everything. Learned: When you get up, close all the windows at the back!

The photo after the monkeys shows NO washcloth in the shower...When I went to shower after bathing, there was a fluttering sound as I got into the bathroom. The two bats were at least as frightened as I was...The day before I had spotted them hanging on the roof ridge during the day.

This morning the shepherd Maina grabbed a slice of toast from the deserted table next door. A crab immediately set course for it too. The bird quickly got full, so the crab dragged the disc away and defended it against other colleagues. These hermit crabs are absolutely fascinating - they walk around everywhere. At a certain point they are given a plate of kitchen scraps and within a very short time they clean everything until it is sparkling clean. It's always a spectacle! The crabs look for abandoned shells as a house. When they get too big for it, they have to look for a new house. But we haven't found a single empty shell here yet... I could watch these little animals all day. Unfortunately the hustle and bustle doesn't show up in a photo, but unfortunately I can't upload a film.

And so that I don't just post sunny idylls: Today there were two tropical showers...

Απάντηση (2)

Wow, so viele Tiere, auf die man ein Auge haben muss. Ich musste zwar lachen, als ich mir den Affen mit der Chipstüte vorstellte, doch ich würde die Fenster auch schließen. Und Fledermäuse in der Dusche, da hätte ich mich wahrscheinlich doch etwas erschrocken. Die Krebse finde ich faszinierend - eindeutig, ihr seid auf einer exotischen Insel. Tolle Bilder!

Tarina Simone
In der Tst...Heute war ein Affe im Bad (rs ist hier in Thailand oft nach oben hin offen oder halboffen) und hat zwei Fläschchen aus meiner Kulturtasche geräumt, die zum Schutz vor Auslaufen in eine Plastiktüte gewickelt waren. Glücklicherweise ist nichts kaputt gegangen. Alles in Tüten scheint sehr interessant zu sein....

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