Great Ocean Road and other disasters

Δημοσίευσε: 03.01.2017

Oh, life could be so beautiful if everything goes well... it could be so beautiful if the first navigation system works during car rental pickup, or at least the second one... we had success with the third one... until Uschi kept losing her GPS signal in the middle of Melbourne and kept sending us in circles 😳 And that was my first time driving on the left! Just to clarify, there were no traffic announcements about wrong-way driving, but lots of honking because I was driving in circles through Melbourne.

On the freeway, everything was fine and Uschi was a good companion (and Matthes and Ursula too! "left = short, right = long" was the motto for turning). We took the little train in Geelong and drove along the beach promenade (and took pictures of wooden bollards). In Torquay, we watched the surfers at Bells Beach and saw the first kangaroos (on the golf course) in Anglesea. Whether they have a membership or not - no idea...

On the Great Ocean Road, things got really critical in Lorne (today's destination): we didn't book anything in advance because we thought there would be plenty here and didn't want to stress. Oh, if only we had! Everything is fully booked and there are absolutely no hotel rooms, hostels, apartments, or any other sleeping options available until the weekend (it's a long weekend in all of Australia and there's a big swimming event). After 2 hours of surfing the net, we finally found an expensive but very nice accommodation in Lorne and will do our excursions from here. Damn it, the price is ridiculous...

We still love each other, but nobody needs more disasters like today from us...

Απάντηση (7)

Maria, du hast meine Hochachtung. Wenn die noch weiter hupen: Stell dir einfach mal so nen schleichenden Melbourner auf der falschen Straßenseite in Berlin vor! Genießt den Luxus, grad wenn er was kostet. Und DANKE für den tollen Blog. Ich lungere um die Mittagszeit immer schon hier rum...

ich sage nur Malta mit 100 Kreisverkehren. Und ihr wolltet doch immer schon einmal auf nem Golfplatz mit Kanguruhs schlafen (mh wie schreibt man die jetzt nochmal...) Egal . Weiter geht's Ich bin bei euch !!!!!!!

Noch was , schön dass du immer einen Ort schreibst - sonst weiss ich gar nicht wo ihr seid

Wunderschöne Fotos! Ich hoffe, dass die kleine Pechsträhne jetzt ein Ende für euch hat. Wo sind denn jetzt die Fotos von den Kängurus auf dem Golfplatz...?

Genau: Ich will jetzt auch SOFORT ein Känguru sehen!

Ihr Lieben: Kängurus seht Ihr das nächste Mal...


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