Tag 111: the final stage to the capital

Δημοσίευσε: 26.06.2018

Before today's LAST stage, we had great respect because we had to ride the last 100km to the capital city of Hanoi, which is known for its chaotic traffic conditions. So we set off early in the morning and refueled our motorcycles with all our remaining cash, one liter each. Our plan was to sell at least one motorcycle as quickly as possible to get cash again. The first 60km of the stage went on a wide and lightly trafficked four-lane road. After leaving the 'highway', the traffic became denser and more chaotic. We reached our hostel in the city center relatively smoothly, faster than expected. Maybe it was because it was Sunday.

We immediately contacted a potential buyer and within an hour in the city, we already sold the first motorcycle (Lisa). Now the evening could begin because we had a lot of money again. We went to an Indian restaurant for dinner, had beers, and then watched the Germany vs. Sweden match at half past twelve at night...


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