
Von Rio nach São Paulo

Δημοσίευσε: 13.03.2024

After almost 4 weeks in Rio and a final breakfast on the gallery of the hostel, the belongings were stuffed back into the backpack because we were supposed to go to the bus station in the Centro and from there on to Sao Paulo. The heavy metal door was slammed shut one last time and for a moment I felt something like melancholy. This place, this piece of peace and liveliness in the heart of the pulsating metropolis, felt like home for a while. Oasis of relaxation and regeneration during the rather strenuous days of the carnival. A place of exchange and communication after endless discovery tours through the city and a place of reliability and constancy in the midst of the chaos that occurs every day in every corner.

Farewell to Mambembe

Arrived at the bus station, bought a ticket for 75 R$ (approx. 14 euros) and boarded the very comfortable and unfortunately again far too air-conditioned double-decker bus. This time the misery with the air conditioning was to be prevented by wearing a jacket and long trousers, which turned out to be the right decision after just a short time on the bus. It took 6 hours for the 430 km route and after a short wait we set off. After some slow traffic out of the city, the view out the window was quite interesting: endless green hills were interrupted by occasional smaller settlements and agricultural areas. Flooded fields, completely overloaded trucks, isolated mansions in the middle of extensive estates, cattle, sheep and countless termite mounds rounded off the panorama that constantly flew by. After about 7 hours of driving, we reached the city limits of the metropolis and the previously described scenery dissolved into a sea of concrete and high-rise buildings. I'm excited to see what this juggernaut has to offer.


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