First steps on a new continent

Δημοσίευσε: 08.01.2018

The days in Germany did me a lot of good, so I was able to start the new adventure strengthened. The farewell to Bella was very difficult and the first days were also tough. When you travel together for 223 days and suddenly find yourself alone, you have to readjust.

I flew from Frankfurt via Sao Paulo (Brazil) to Santiago de Chile. There I booked a hostel for the first 2 nights. There were many people there, but no one spoke English, everyone only spoke Spanish, which I still can't speak. It wasn't easy to find connection there, so I decided to move to another hostel for New Year's Eve. So I booked a hostel that is more centrally located and went there on the 31st of December. When I arrived there, the nice girl at the reception told me that there was no reservation for me ... Fuck ... why not!? I checked my booking and saw the mistake. I didn't book from the 31st of December to the 2nd of January, but from the 31st of January to the 2nd of February. She told me that she had to check if I can stay. It worked out. She showed me my room. 8 beds but no one else besides me. As it turned out, they didn't accept online bookings over New Year's Eve, so there were only 6 of us. Steffi from Austria, Eduardo from Brazil, Kamilo from El Salvador, and then a couple from Chile who work and live in the hostel. Kamilo cooked chicken for everyone, which was super delicious. Rarely had such a great chicken. There were salads and of course beer ;) shortly before midnight we went outside. At the Entel Tower there was a big firework display that we watched.

The next few days I explored the city. Santiago is huge, I personally love the city. There are many parks and trees everywhere, everything is green and the houses colorful. In the middle, there is a big mountain from where you can see the whole city. I went up there three times in total. You can take the cable car or just walk. Of course, I always walked. You can see the highest building in South America and in the background, there are the mighty Andes. Incredible.

In the evenings, we always sat together in the hostel and drank a few beers and talked about everything possible. There were always different people there and there was always something to talk about. Although there was a small regular group. This consisted of Motti (Israel), Eduardo (Brazil), Jim (Switzerland), and me. Steffi always went to bed early because she had her Spanish course in the morning.

It was really a great time in Santiago and I think I have arrived now and I am ready for South America.


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