
Day 4 (2016) Abu Dhabi: Ferrari World

Δημοσίευσε: 29.05.2023


Day 4

Visited highlights: Ferrari World

Today we are visiting Ferrari World for the first time. So far, the park seemed uninteresting to us as the kids were too small for the roller coasters. But now they seem to be able to ride a few rides.

We park at the Yas Mall and walk to Ferrari World. We arrive a few minutes before opening time, so we can watch the acrobatic dance show at the entrance. How cool. Since we don't know how crowded it will be, we first walk to the Formula Rossa, the fastest roller coaster in the world, a launched roller coaster. With a hydraulic launch, you are catapulted from 0 - 240 km/h in 4.9 seconds out of the building. Since the kids are too small, my husband and I ride separately. You can watch who is getting on the coaster on a screen at the entrance, then go outside to the viewing platform and watch the spectacle. My husband goes first and I'm a little nervous. With loud screams, the roller coaster zooms out. Once it's on the tracks in the distance, it actually looks quite harmless and not that fast anymore. My husband comes back from the ride with a big grin on his face "Awesome!"

I dare to try it too. You get a "flying goggles" that you have to put on and secure with an elastic band around your head. I'm in row 3. When the countdown starts, I'm pretty nervous - and then it's time: we are "shot out". It feels like my brain stayed on the starting line. Wow, it's fast! I can't think or breathe for a moment - I'm flying up the tracks in an exhilarating rush. From now on it gets easier. There are no loops, the roller coaster is just fast. The worst part was the start. But one ride is enough for me today!

My husband tries out the brand new "Flying Aces", a completely crazy roller coaster in the outdoor area with a steep drop, loops, screws, etc.

We watch the ride from the viewing platform. Insane... I already feel sick just from watching...

His conclusion: "Coolest roller coaster ever!"

I don't dare - it's "too much" for me today. Maybe next time?!

After that, we take it easy and ride the "FIORANO GT CHALLENGE" about 5 or 6 times, where 2 roller coasters race each other on a race track. It's fun, it's funny, and the kids can ride it too. Perfect! Afterwards, we explore everything and ride everything we can. From "Flight over Europe", cinema, 3D adventure, Junior GT, Viaggio in Italia, etc.

We spend the whole day at Ferrari World and can ride many attractions multiple times, as there is hardly anyone there. Perfect - it was worth it today!


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#achterbahn#vae#emirate#fun#rollercoaster#adrenalin#autorennen#ferrari#kino#abenteuer#abu dhabi# ferrari world# formula rossa# schnellste achterbahn der welt# flying aces #krass#bluthochdruck#puls#spaß#freizeitpark