Day 3 - Tourist Program and Ferry Ride

प्रकाशित कीता: 26.07.2017

The night was restful and we slept in late. After a breakfast with Jeroen's parents, we started the full tourist program, because unlike Jeroen, I had never been to Løkken before. So we started in the best weather and sunshine to the lighthouse ,,Rubjerg Knude“, which is also called the "sanded lighthouse". It was really beautiful up there and you had an incredible view of the sea. The lighthouse and the surroundings were left to themselves, so that houses that used to be there simply got buried in sand and are now only recognizable as outlines. It was really interesting how powerful and strong nature can be.

Afterwards, we continued directly with the tourist program and drove to Løkken. Løkken was really crowded but still beautiful. We visited the famous candy factory there and strolled through the streets. In the candy factory, we could see how the candies were made, it was fascinating how something beautiful and delicious can be created from a pile of sugar.

Afterwards, we spent a short time at the beach before driving back to the holiday home. There we had dinner with Jeroen's parents before we had to continue towards the ferry.

At 8:45 pm, we stood in line in front of the ferry in Hirtshals, which was really exciting.

At 10:00 pm, we were on the ferry and headed towards Kristiansand in Norway. The ferry ride took 3 hours and was really boring, it was interesting to watch the Norwegians raid the tax-free shop to go shopping. When we saw the prices in Norway, we knew why...

At half past midnight, we left the ferry in total darkness without really knowing where we would sleep. Thanks to the app "Park4Night", we quickly found a parking lot where we could set up camp. It was really an interesting experience not knowing what the surroundings in which you sleep look like. We finally went to bed around half past 2 in the morning to sleep.
