20.40 Surfers Paradise, the Commander and Steve Bachmann had already left the country 36 hours ago to tan their abnormal gangsta bodies in Fiji :-) Now it was finally my turn to leave the Gold Coast! At that time, I did not yet have the courage to leave Down Under!

20.50 finally it's starting, in the Greyhound bus it should be a 15-hour marathon over Byron Bay to Sydney, where I was supposed to meet my old NZ travel companion Chri Schlobbarek again. Sleep-deprived, I arrived in Sydney on April 26th, where Chri and I first strengthened ourselves at the All You Can Eat buffet at Pizza Hut. Since I had little time, we went straight to the Harbour Bridge where the next adventure was waiting for us... A crazy biker juggling chainsaws and sticking a balloon sword in his mouth.

Quickly say goodbye to Harbour Bridge and Opera House before heading back to the bus station. On the way back, I met Jamie, Craig and Chris, the guys from Fraser Island.

After a short visit to the Apple Store to charge the iPod, we went to Canberra and then to Melbourne. Another 15-hour drive with a 3-hour break in Canberra. Greetings from Maccas...

Exhausted but happy, I finally arrived in MB in good weather and made my way to Berkeley St. 171... to be continued.


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