# Day 27 and 28 Laika can swim...

प्रकाशित कीता: 27.03.2022

I still owe you the answer why palms are beautiful even when it's raining. Looking at them, one can't help but think of sun, beach, and good weather. That is the hope that the many palms here still give us.

Unfortunately, the reality is different. It has been raining all night, like buckets pouring down. Even in the morning, it didn't stop and the place looked like a big puddle. We hardly wanted to leave the motorhome and we watched the poor dog owners out the window, who of course had to take their pets for a walk in this weather. When imagining how it smells inside with a wet dog fur afterwards, we stopped thinking.

Parking space Saturday morning
Parking space Saturday morning

At 12:00 pm we start the engine and have a plan. The afternoon is supposed to have dry phases and tomorrow Sunday the sun is actually supposed to shine. So today we drive towards Tabernas, where the Western towns and film sets are located, and then want to continue as far as possible towards Malaga. The highway will be helpful.

But first towards Sergio Leone and Bully Herbig. With all the water that has come down, I'm afraid of some dips full of water. The navigation system also leads us onto a real side road that only allows little oncoming traffic. Actually, there are also large puddles at some places, but we skillfully drive through them. After the adventurous water crossing 3 days ago, I'm now also sure - Laika can swim.

Small obstacles on the country road
Small obstacles on the country road

On the way through the Sierra de Alhamilla there is a road between the town of Nijar and the N 340 above the Sierra. It is marked with a green marking in the Shell Atlas - a particularly picturesque road.

Picturesque road
Picturesque road

The AL 5102 is supposed to be it, it leads 23 km through the mountain landscape. After 2 km, I wonder if that was a good decision. Very narrow road, always uphill, on the right side it goes steeply down, no guardrails, no curb, just road and gravel on the side, and the road width - hopefully nobody is coming from the front! The motorhome already takes up the whole road and I drive more towards the middle than at the edge.

Sometimes with guardrails
Sometimes with guardrails

Did I mention - 23 km and I wished for each kilometer stone to come as soon as possible. In fact, we were completely alone on the road. Only at the end, two cars came from the front.

Sometimes with concrete bollards
Sometimes with concrete bollards

I can't say that I enjoyed this 'particularly picturesque road' relaxed. Especially since the weather and visibility didn't fulfill the best conditions either.

In the end we arrived relieved on the N 340, a wide expressway that quickly took us to Tabernas and the film sets.

However, that was a disappointment. We couldn't visit Fort Bravo or Western Leone, just take a few photos from a distance. Then we also skipped the show at Mini-Hollywood Oasys for €23. After all, we wanted to go as far as possible towards the sun.

On the highway behind Almeria, the next scare. Along the route on the left side in a flatter landscape, only white areas can be seen - it looks like ... greenhouses. as far as the eye can see. These are the Spanish vegetable fields ... ripened by the sun. Think again, they are no better than the Dutch.

Almeria's greenhouses

“El mar del plástico” - the sea of plastic - is what the region is called. An almost endless collection of greenhouses that can even be seen from outer space, that's how big they are.

Thoughtfully, we continue towards Malaga. We have chosen Motril as our destination, which is located directly below the road that leads to Granada, and we also want to go there.

Upon arrival at Camping Playa de Poniente (that's also the name of the beach area right in front of the door, you can hear the sound of the sea on the pitch and in the motorhome), the sun is actually shining. So it does exist after all.

On Sunday it actually shines and it's warm, but stormy. Today I'm going for a bike ride, I owe that to Sunday morning. I found a route on Bikemaps, about 45 km into the hinterland. Probably with ascents and descents.

Sunday morning round
Sunday morning round

That's how it is. But great to ride, because side roads are rarely crowded on Sundays. In the end, I end up at the sea in Almunecar, a bustling town with a promenade and many bars and cafes.

Unfortunately, I have to ride 20 km back on the national road N 340 against the wind. After nearly 3 hours, I'm back at the motorhome and Simone can put away the missing person report.

A few thoughts on COVID behavior in Spain. As far as I know, there is no longer a mandatory mask requirement. Spain was one of the first countries to lift it. Only indoors and in publicly accessible areas, there is still an obligation.

However, everywhere you can still see signs with the request 'masque obligato', which many people also follow outdoors. It is noticeable how many Spaniards are also wearing a mask when taking a walk on the promenade. Even at the beach, on the bicycle, alone in the car, on the way to the toilet, they wear the thing. Are they particularly anxious or particularly obedient? Are there also political skeptics and particularly eager virologists here?

In any case, it is noticeable here that an estimated 20% of people outdoors, whether alone or in a group, are wearing a mask.

I didn't wear one while cycling 🚴‍♂️😎🎭


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