3 Of rain, detours and Lake Constance

प्रकाशित कीता: 02.11.2020

Day 3: Friday, 12th July 2019

Route: Allgäu-Vorarlberg (Feldkirch to Lindau)

Kilometers travelled: approx. 55

Because we only had breakfast at half past 9 and I chatted with Angi, I didn't leave until half past 10. I had 50km ahead of me on a flat route, which I wanted to cover by half past 1, as I wanted to catch the 2 o'clock train in Lindau.

Despite the incessant rain, I made good progress (Wolfgang and Angi lent me their rain gear). But just before Bregenz, I got lost, so I had a magnificent view of Lake Constance, but unfortunately I also lost 20 minutes. And then I had to make a phone call, so I prepared myself for the 4 o'clock train.

In Lindau, I briefly visited the island, but first of all I was hungry and secondly, I felt uncomfortable with my completely wet clothes, especially shoes. I ate something (Dürüm) at the train station and spread out my wet outer clothing until the train opened. It was already there. In the train, there were such funny compartments, so I immediately looked for one and spread out. 2 young people sat down with me. But I smelled so bad, I was really sorry. This train journey went smoothly. The change in Munich also worked, even though I didn't get a seat there anymore. I watched 2 little children the whole journey until Kinding. That was funny. I arrived at the train station in Kinding at quarter to 9, but Dad could only pick me up at 9, so I waited in the car park. Meanwhile, the weather had turned really nice again.


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