62. Kavala

प्रकाशित कीता: 11.05.2023

62. Day: Although we wake up to the drumming sound of raindrops on our roof, it soon clears up and stays dry for the rest of the day.

Motivated by the many bird sounds, we go birdwatching by the lakeside. And indeed, we also spot some water birds, although they can hide wonderfully in the reeds here. In addition to the species that also occur in our area, such as herons and ducks, Birgit also discovers a pelican.

Back at the car, we continue east to Kavala. The city is incredibly crowded, with parking spaces completely used up. Finally, we find a parking space at the port.

From there, we stroll along the fishermen's and yacht harbor to the modern center. There we have some pastries and cappuccino before marching up to the fortress. On the way, we also pass the impressive aqueduct from the time of the Ottoman occupation. Once we reach the top, we enjoy the 360-degree panoramic view of the city. On the way down, we also stop by the house of Mehmet Ali, who is considered the founder of modern Egypt (Egypt was then an Ottoman province). Kavala leaves a surprisingly good impression on us.

When we return to the parking lot, we immediately notice that no car is there except for our Nuggy. Despite it being so crowded before. As we approach, we first discover notes under the windshield wipers and then that the license plates have been removed! The notes are only written in Greek. Fortunately, we quickly find a young Greek woman who speaks very good English and translates the content for us. We have to pay a fine of 40 euros, send the receipt to a specific email address, and then pick up the license plates. In the end, this worked out relatively smoothly. Thanks to the helpfulness of the young woman! But if we had arrived half an hour later, we would have only received the license plates the next day due to the end of the harbor police's service.

In the evening, we end up in the car park in front of the Nestos Adventure Park. A dreamy spot at the entrance to the Nestos Gorge. There we spend a sociable evening with a couple from Hamburg in the Nuggy, with lots of wine and snacks.


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