Tag 151 Xerokampos-Palekastro way back

प्रकाशित कीता: 06.12.2021

Hello, why does it stink here and why do you look like a berserker? Those were the first words of my dear husband this morning. Honestly, he's kind of right 😅. But can I help it that we had beans yesterday, I've been wearing the same shoes since July (except for the floppies), socks always smell because shoes stink, I only wash my hair at the campsite or a well-functioning beach shower (those days are over now), and there was a terrible fight last night because of the mosquitoes.

After I googled the word berserker, I laughed even more. That's what the Nordic warriors were called, wearing a bearskin, very enduring and painless. I have a sheepskin with me 😉.

I went shopping in Palekastro today. No supermarket with a parking lot, no, I parked on the side of the road and visited the various small shops. But it's also good to support the locals a little bit.        

The weather today is changeable, the sea at today's pitch is calm. Personally, I prefer it that way, rather than the roaring sea.

At home today, lots of fun with Saint Nicholas. This year a great guy who will visit the kids.🧑‍🎄😅 I have in mind the excited faces, the ears glowing with excitement and joy when the good man takes the surprise out of his bag.                         


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