
11th Day - Day 11 (for english scroll down)

Cyhoeddwyd: 22.07.2018

Zoë has never been to a Madame Tussauds before, so let's go inside. It was well done, but not very interactive. There was also an 'Escape room' that would have been full of action, but unfortunately it was fully booked. Then we went to Pier 39 where the sea lions were basking in the sun. Luckily, the wind was blowing away from us, so we were spared their unpleasant body odor :-) Lunch was Mexican at Tacolicious - mega delicious, and now Margarita is my favorite drink! Strengthened, we took the regular bus to Mission Dolores Park - the park to be in! But the journey there blew us away. We wanted to buy the bus ticket from the driver. Unfortunately, you have to have the exact fare - which we naturally did not have. However, the driver was very friendly and told us to get on - and buy a ticket next time!!! That alone was Okayyyy... but it gets even better. A 77-year-old man sat down next to us and said in broken German that he would like to help us and pulled out $4 from his pocket!! I only had a $10 note, so I thought: it's not a great deal, but the old gentleman was so kind that it was fine for me. But no, he didn't want the $10 at all. He just wanted to give us the fare!! Can you believe it?! Even the driver was amazed, so much so that he forgot to switch the electric line when turning, and had to get off to fix it. The other passengers were just as amazed! What a beautiful memory we will always carry in our hearts of San Francisco. The park really lived up to its promise. It was a real party. Young people everywhere, eating, drinking, making music, dancing, smoking, and simply enjoying Saturday evening. Really coooool. Then a little detour to the trendy Thai restaurant and then home with Uber. We shared the Uber - and there was actually a young Swiss couple in it who told us about the terrible forest fires in Yosemite.... we still have that ahead of us...

Zoë hasn't been to Madame Tussauds yet - so we started the day with a visit. It was very well done but not much interactive. There was a escape room which surly would have been full of action, but sadly it was fully booked. Thereafter we went to Pier 39 where the Seelions were sunbathing. Thankfully the wind blow from behind, so we weren't exposed to their body odor:-) Lunch was mexican at the Taclicious - delicious and as of now Margarita is my favourite drink!
 Strengthened we went with the normal bus to the Mission Dolores Park - THE part to be right now. But the way to get there blew our mind. We wanted to get the ticket with the busdriver. Unfortunateley one has to have the exact amount and sure enough we did not have it right. The driver was so kind and said to get in and pay another time! That by itself was already Okayyy... but there is more to come! A 77 year old gentlemen sat next to us and told us in broken german that he wanted to help us out and pulled 4$ out of his pocket. I only had a 10$note and thought: it's not the best deal, but the men is so kind that's ok. He totally refused any money - he just wanted to help us out with nothing in return!! We were speechless and even the driver was so flabbergasted that he forgot to change the electric wires when turning, so he had to manually fix it. Even the other passengers hardly believed their eyes! What a great memory of San Franzisco we will always tresaure in our heart! The park really lived up to his promises. It was one big party . Young people's met everywhere, eat, drank, smoked, made musik, danced and just enjoyed the Saturday evening. A really cool atmosphere. For Dinner we stopped at a hip Thai restaurant and took a Uber to get back. We shared the ride with by coincidence a young swiss couple who just came from Yosemite Park and told us about the devastating fires going on there... that's where we are heading to...

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Zum Glück gibt's immer wieder wirklich nette Leute.