
14.4.24 from Austria to Hungary

Cyhoeddwyd: 16.04.2024

I have now arrived in Hungary. I have completely lost track of where and how all the countries I am driving through are located and how many borders I have crossed so far. After the ranger visited me again that morning at the lake and we continued our nice conversation from the day before (that it is complete nonsense that you can run over a snake in the sand on a bicycle (not an e-bike)), he nevertheless pointed out to me that parking a camper overnight is prohibited everywhere, even in the towns. I then preferred to drive on and so I just managed to cross the border into Hungary. The parking space I had chosen was not that special. Because it was so warm, people drove up late and they left early in the morning too, so I didn't have a good night's sleep. That's just how it is. It's no different in nature, when hiking. There, too, you sometimes come across a bad place to stay overnight when your feet say they've had enough and don't want to go any further and you can't find anything decent. I've had to spend the night on a hillside before. There was no other option.

This makes me even happier about the comfortable parking spot here by the lake, still in Hungary, where I'm standing all alone in the parking lot. I saw thousands of jellyfish tadpoles today. I can't even remember the last time I saw any. I'm just wondering where the millions of frogs will go? The lake isn't that big here. In any case, I was not only impressed by the number, but also by the fact that a whole horde of them had eaten a small dead fish. They were all hanging on to it, and the movement of their tails propelled the fish forwards, so that at first I thought it was a black and white fish. Then I realized that the fish was white (because its belly was facing upwards) and the jellyfish tadpoles were black.

Hungary feels relaxed and safe. You don't have to worry about being chased away or being insulted, which makes me very relaxed. I also like van life. It really depends on the country... In Slovenia it's also relaxed. In Croatia, however, less so, from everything I've read.

But I'm still in Hungary. Some people can even speak a little German because it's so close to the border. And now I'm too tired to write much, even though there's still a lot to tell. Among other things, I peeled 1 kg of asparagus this evening. When I bought it (there were only 1 kg bags), I didn't think about the fact that it still needed peeling... I just remembered that when I wanted to make the asparagus. Luckily I have my old peeler in the bus and so I spent a long time and thoughtfully peeling and cooking 1 kg of organic asparagus. The things in the fridge have kept really well so far, despite the heat. My fridge is doing a great job, but the sun is shining all day, so I have enough power to run it all day. I only turn the power off at night because the fridge is too loud when it's on...

At the beginning I had it set to 5, which is the highest setting, but then the cucumber froze, so I turned it down to 3.5 I think. That seems to be enough.

OK, now it's time to sleep. It's 9:30 p.m. and my eyes are closing. I went for a lot of walks and swimming today and last night wasn't so productive. So: good night.


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