Trips mit Travis
Trips mit Travis

Travis goes to Melbourne

Cyhoeddwyd: 23.10.2023


So the campfire thing was a cool thing. Very cozy.

In the morning my oldest woke up very early. I don't know why she always does that. It's actually vacation. Well, she walked around a bit and actually met kangaroos at dusk - at least that's what she said, then it's probably true.

Then she felt a bit cold and lit the fire in the house. That was at least as good as campfire. I found.

Campfire inside

As we sat outside on the balcony - she with a coffee, I without - the cockatoos came to visit us again.

Give me grains!

We then continued from Lorne. Along the Great Ocean Road and again and again through the forest. And again there was a beautiful waterfall to see.

I like it when water falls down

And we also saw some koalas! Yes!

Lazy in the tree

To get to Melbourne we later took a ferry. That was pretty exciting. But I immediately made sure everything was safe.

Everything is safe here

We drove around a bit. And my oldest took a photo of one of the many warning signs so that drivers should be careful about the animals.

Only the koala is missing

And the next adventure was in the evening. My oldest had an appointment with an acquaintance from Australia in the city. She said that so far she only "knows her online" - whatever that means - and that she came to Melbourne from Sydney specifically for this meeting. I think my oldest was pretty happy about that.

Anyway, we took the train into town. First my adults had to figure out how to pay for it. You know, you can't just do everything like that. For some things you have to give something called money. And this is also available electronically. You don't have to have anything in your hand or pocket anymore. Except the cell phone or - well, do you remember what it's called, the plastic sign? - exactly, a credit card.

buy a ticket

And then we set off from a train station, from there I could see the sea!

Sea View Train Station: Carrum
Taking the train - you see people, I tell you

It was pretty crowded in the city because a lot of people like to go out on Saturday evenings. That's what it means when you eat and drink somewhere other than at home.

The train station has been around for quite a long time
Victoria Street Station - the station is called that because of an English queen

My oldest had a really good time with her friend. There was even a photo with me together. But I haven't asked her if I can show it here yet. That's why I prefer to leave it alone. If she's reading this, she'll still know that I mean her. Maybe she'll be a little happy then. She was actually very nice to me.

The next day we met another friend. My oldest used to work with her. That was before my time. After having breakfast together and taking a photo shoot, we drove around the area for a bit. She knows everything very well because she has lived in the area for a long time.

But before that, we took her to look after the little possums, which she is currently looking after because they don't have a mother. They were sooo cute!

There were three possums to admire

We then went out for a bit and tried to go for a walk where it wasn't raining so much.

We finally found a nice place and the friend explained about a plant that it goes through different stages and the seeds only sprout when a bushfire makes it hot enough around it:

Only like this
Then so
Then like this
And the hard cores only then open up in the fire

In the evening my older ones drove with me to accommodation in the city. To get into the apartment, we had to climb into a box that moved up very quickly after the big guy pressed the "68" button. By the way, this is called an elevator. Or elevator. There was no chair there at all. And a train didn't fit in the cabin either.

When I got to the top I was really exhausted. Look what a view you had from the windows!

The bed: You shouldn't be afraid of heights
Melbourne at night from above

And in the apartment we had a visit from one of my oldest's relatives. She was a little excited for some reason, it seemed to me. Completely unnecessary, I thought the young man was super nice. And they had a really good time too.

Today we continue to Fiji. We are already at the airport and waiting to board.

We're going to Fiji soon

Before that we were in a park. I learned something exciting there. Did you know that fish can climb stairs? No? Me neither! But my elders said that the fish are being diverted via a fish ladder in a spot where the water otherwise flows pretty fast;

Fish ladder

It's amazing what fish can do. I waited there for a while, but unfortunately I didn't see anyone going up (or down) the stairs. And then we had to go to the airport...

I'll tell you soon what happens next in Fiji. It's supposed to be nice there, I heard. And then my older ones meet people they know from somewhere else.

Anyway, now I'm sitting at the emergency exit and have to be careful. If something were to happen, I would have to open the door or something.

See you soon and greetings from Travis the Buddy Bear

Ateb (2)

Boah, 68.Stockwerk! War Dir da nicht ein bisschen schwindelig, als du nach unten geschaut hast? Das ist ja echt hooooooooooooch! Und, lieber Travis, noch eine Frage: wenn ich das alles so lese, dann liest sich das gar nicht wie Urlaub 😉, sondern ziemlich anstrengend 😅. Aber auch sehr unterhaltsam und abenteuerlich. Sag Deinen Großen auf jeden Fall Bescheid, wenn Du mal einen Tag zum Durchatmen brauchst 😇

Alles klar! Und ja, es war echt hoch.

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