Lost in Transnistrien oder das Land welches es gar nicht gibt
Lost in Transnistrien oder das Land welches es gar nicht gibt

Stage 1 575km 35°C 7.5h

Cyhoeddwyd: 11.06.2019

Well then, let's get started. There's not much to say today. We started on time at 08:40, completed the first section of 200km to Legnica gas station without any complications. Unlike the lane towards Dresden where there was a truck jam from Hermsdorf to Bautzen and beyond (pure madness). Refueled, had a Multisaft (just mentioning it separately so that there are no wrong impressions) and continued comfortably on the A4, which conveniently has the same name in Poland and goes all the way to the Ukrainian border. Until a sign caught my attention 'Sender Gleiwitz' or Antenna Gliwice. Well, due to the very good travel time so far, it was almost one o'clock, so I thought why not take a look. So, exit the highway, paid the 7.9 zloty toll so far and drove through the city to find the transmitter. After a little back and forth, I found it, very well-maintained, a small park around it, and the transmission tower made of larch wood still looks as original as it did in grandpa's time. By the way, it is supposed to be the highest wooden tower at 111m. Then quickly refueled, had coffee ☕! (already covered 250km again) and drove through the Polish industrial area, Zabrze, Bytom, Katowice, and back on the A4 to Krakow, after 2x 5 zloty toll and an almost crash, there has to be a 4th lane on the 3-lane road to the left, if I had 2 heads, I would shake them 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️, finally out of the clothes, I can't even imagine how they will smell at the end of the journey 🦊 🦝🦡, today sunny from 11 o'clock onwards and between 30 and 35°C - anyone can do without a leather jacket...

Other than that, it's quite noisy on the Guzzi without earplugs, but so far it runs like a crisp 18-year-old runs, you know what I mean 🤤😆, it's difficult to take photos while riding, so the blog will probably have more text.

Now I'm looking for a pub where I can get Bigos... Maybe I'll go back into Krakow...

Bye, see you later.
