Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer
Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer

Esperance - Lucky Bay

Cyhoeddwyd: 18.12.2017

On Friday morning we drove directly from Albany to Esperance, the last planned stop on our route. In the midday sun, we drove along the Great Ocean Road, where we were overwhelmed by incredibly great views of various beaches with turquoise blue sea and awesome waves.

At Twilight Beach, we sunbathed for two hours, took refreshments in the crystal clear water, and decided that it was the most beautiful beach we had seen on our trip so far... finest sandy beach, turquoise blue water, and interestingly shaped rocks... beautiful!!

Originally, we wanted to continue to Lucky Bay, but at this one campsite, which is located about 1 hour away in the middle of Le Grand National Park, the first come first serve principle applies (no reservations possible). We were no longer the first in the early afternoon. 😉 Fortunately, we found out about this by phone in advance.

So we settled for a campsite directly in Esperance (by the way, also the last available spot there), which was completely alright, because we also received the recommendation to visit the Lucky Bay Brewery for a beer tasting. Insider tip! Said and done... it was outstanding! Cozy, relaxed, informal atmosphere in this small private brewery, where we sat in the garden on the brewery's own premises and tasted their seven different beers. In addition to the roaming chickens and the beer-brewing owner couple, we sat in the midst of other guests in two leather armchairs and enjoyed life... and the beers! 🍻 ((-:

On the way back, we drove along the Great Ocean Road again and enjoyed the views again. Flo just couldn't tear himself away from the sight of the waves..

The next morning (Saturday), we started to Lucky Bay to the mentioned campsite, where we directly grabbed the best spot (No. 12) at 8.45 a.m. You actually just drive onto the campsite and choose an available pitch... only then you go and pay. We were incredibly lucky... others had inquired first... and then spot 12 was already taken. View of the bay with the white sandy beach was included.

We spent the entire weekend here: no electricity, no cell phone reception, many kangaroos at the campsite and on the beach (so tame that you could stroke them), again turquoise blue water and white sandy beach... but also a shark sighted in THAT bay the day before our arrival. Flo still threw himself into the waves (in the shallow water).. this fearless devil. The extensive conversation with the ranger took away Flo's fear... otherwise: living on the edge, no risk, no fun and so on... 🙈😉😛

All in all, it was two super relaxed and great days that we really enjoyed.. almost like a vacation! 😎

Still no sign of Christmas spirit, now already in Rockingham, just below Perth, but more on that in the next entry...

We send you all our warmest greetings and wish you a stress-free last week before Christmas!

Just do it like the turtle: don't let yourself be stressed, don't let anything disturb your peace, and take it easy!

In this sense...

Ateb (2)

Ich habe mich eindeutig in das tolle Känguru, das das Handy nicht mag verliebt 😍 Und der tolle stand mit kristallklarem Wasser 😍 Da kann ich eindeutig verstehen, wieso keine Weihnachtsstimmung aufkommt. Traumhaft 🙂 genießt die Zeit, weiter so. 😘😘😘

Sehr cool mit den Kängus! Da könnt ihr auch eines einpacken und mitbringen 😍😍 auch die Strände sind der absolute Hammer, sieht wirklich aus wie Urlaub 😜 Genießt es und euch eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit 🎄😘😘

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