Große Reise Shannon
Große Reise Shannon

Whitsundays - Day 1-3

Cyhoeddwyd: 15.03.2018


Two days ago we started the day with a jump into the pool. This is exactly what you need when you wake up in a stuffy camper.

Pool Selfie

By 10 a.m. we had to leave the campground and then went from one pool to another, specifically the public outdoor pool in Airlie Beach. We were right by the ocean, where swimming is not allowed due to sharks, and we could cool off in the large swimming pool surrounded by palm trees.

Paradise Cove Resort

At 2:30 p.m., our boat, the Wildcat, set sail and half an hour later we arrived at Paradise Cove Resort. After some snacks, we received a tour of the amazing grounds with a large pool, hot pool, tennis court, and plenty of hammocks hanging between palm trees. This green oasis truly deserves the name Paradise.

Our little private paradise!
Our little private paradise!

The best part was that an employee informed us that we had been upgraded. We had booked a 6-bed room, but ended up staying in the Rainforest Retreat. We got the luxury room with a private beach and our own bathhouse with a bathtub😍

We spent the rest of the day on our beach in the sun.

In the evening, we enjoyed being cooked for and not having to do the dishes. After spending some time by the campfire, we went to bed.


Breakfast was served at 7 a.m., and at 8 a.m. we set off.

Whitehaven Beach
Our first destination was Whitehaven Beach. The beach is beautifully white and fine. The two hours we had here were spent in the water and on the beach in the sun, but it was incredibly hot!
At the viewpoint of Whitehaven Beach
From the viewpoint of Whitehaven Beach, we had a fantastic view of the sandbanks and the turquoise water.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from our next two stops because we went snorkeling.
In the first bay, we swam with a huge school of fish. They were small blue fish with yellow fins. Occasionally, a larger black, silver, or green fish would swim by.
In the second bay, we were able to dive over a reef. Occasionally, we saw flashes of blue, purple, yellow, or red, but unfortunately, most of it was gray and dead.
Time to swim😌
Time to swim😌
Back at the resort, we went for a swim in the pool and then took a bath. If we have such luxury, we should make use of it. Plus, I've never been in an outdoor bathtub before... :D
After dinner, we sat by the pool with some English and Swiss people for a while.
Sunrise on the last day😊
On the last day, I woke up at half past five and saw the sunrise. Back in bed, I was able to get up at 6 a.m. because two dingoes were playing with our snorkeling wetsuits on the terrace. They had dried overnight, but were full of sand and dingo drool.
Sandbank of Langford Island
Sandbank of Langford Island
Breakfast was served at 7 a.m. and an hour later, we set off. We went to Langford Island where we had two hours to swim and sunbathe on a sandbank surrounded by water.
And just like that, our adventure in paradise was over. We checked in for one night at our previous campsite, Seabreeze, and spent the afternoon by the pool and the evening doing laundry and cooking. :)
It was a beautiful three days! I would recommend a trip to Whitsundays and Paradise Cove Resort to everyone. 😍


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