Russland Visum und mehr
Russland Visum und mehr

Tips for Your Russia Visa

Cyhoeddwyd: 14.06.2017

If you have a German passport, consider yourself lucky: With it, you can travel to more countries without a visa than with any other passport. However, there are exceptions! For example, you need a Russia visa, a popular vacation destination with a variety of different travel destinations nearby.

Especially now during vacation time, many people consider a trip to the largest country in the world to immerse themselves in a rich, unique culture. Russia is also one of the major economic powers in the Eurasian region, offering many lucrative opportunities for companies and businesspeople.

And even though some destinations within the country are only a few hours' flight away, there is a special hurdle to overcome: applying for a Russia visa in order to even start your journey. Without a visa, you would not be allowed on the plane, as there is no visa-on-arrival for the Russian Federation! Obtaining an entry permit is mandatory prior to travel.

Amidst many details, one thing is often forgotten: For a Russia visa, you need an invitation, and not just as a business traveler! Even tourists need an officially registered invitation!

For example, you can obtain this invitation from the hotel in Russia that you have booked or from the travel agency.

The invitation is usually sent by email - fortunately, you don't have to wait for the mail to find its way from Russia to Germany.

For business trips, you also need a written and officially registered invitation from your business partner in Russia.

Usually, it is sufficient to receive the invitation by email, but for annual visas, it is necessary to submit the original invitation as well!

If you have difficulty obtaining an invitation, you can easily get one through a visa agency - both for tourism and business purposes!

Only once you have the invitation can you proceed with the application process. This is done through the online form on the official website of the Russian Consular Department for Foreign Affairs - but be careful: you still have to go to one of the visa centers later to submit your documents! Complete online processing is not possible!

If you have difficulty filling out the form or assembling your documents, you will have little success trying to reach the Russian consulate by phone. It is better to contact a professional visa agency for assistance - telephone consultation is usually free and without obligation. If you hire such an agency to obtain your visa, they can also handle all further steps for you. So you don't need to personally appear to submit or pick up your visa, but can have it conveniently sent to your home by registered mail or express delivery.


